Alright fellow degenerates, this is not going to be a mind blowing YOLO, but it’s a lot of money for me.

    Since July I’ve accumulated 75 shares of LULU at an average price of $257. I’m up a $1.1k right now and was considering taking gainz but did some DD and think I’m in for earnings on Thursday. Look forward to your roasting.

    TDLR: Staying in LULU past earnings because the pants make Becky’s butt look good.

    LULU Earnings Play
    byu/Background-Cat6454 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Background-Cat6454


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      **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago
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    2. Bitter-Heat-8767 on

      I just bought two more pairs of lulu shorts. They are super comfortable and my wife says I look good in them. Her boyfriend is indifferent.

    3. Quick_Parsley369 on

      It’s gonna skyrocket after er, very oversold and lots of international growth to go

    4. Is this even a wsb type of play? You bought shares on a profitable mega cap? Seems more of an r/stocks or r/ValueInvesting post

      Anyway I’m with you, holding ~247 shares. About 180 shares are currently underwater but was able to get 70 at around $240. Also sticking it out for earnings as I think risk is to the upside for the next 3-6 quarters. Good luck!

    5. Odd-Block-2998 on

      Buy 25 more shares, and sell a covered call for a 10% profit after LULU goes to $300+ after earnings. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    6. Analysts are expecting “growing pains” for this qtr I’m expecting a small bump up on earnings

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