Lost money due to online gambling so I decided to gamble on stocks instead


    Posted by weird_flex_buto_k


    1. And of course out of all the stocks out there it’s a shitty meme stock. You deserve to suffer.

    2. not me immediately thinking the little boxes above the “update” portion were tip percentages

    3. AlarmingAd2445 on

      Bullish af. I see Chewy boxes on so many doorsteps around my apartment unit it’s insane. As many as Amazon boxes. They’re huge. They are top dog (hehe) in a growing industry and have subscriptions services and are branching out into vet services and more. Many analysts have an overweight rating and price targets in the $28-30 range. They’ve blown their last several earnings out of the water. And the cherry on top – RC regards love this stock since he’s balls deep in it. Any jump has the potential to cause a meme-like run. Calls it is ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    4. Actually, Chewy is a very good stock. I was going to buy some calls on it, but I need to wait to sell one of my other options. I believe this stock will be in the $30 range in a month or so, if not sooner. Plus, they have earnings calls tomorrow which should be a beat.
      You are in for some profit and money bro..

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