AMD keeps testing me but im betting on the environment it’s in – I think it’s like a beach ball being held underwater (either because of people who know it’s intrinsic value or maybe market makers are loading up before illiquidity but I’m also not that guy fr so idk). Anyway I saw huge activity in NVDA and I’m trying to get an answer on AMD’s bs

    Posted by Individual_Avocado37


    1. idonteverwatchsports on

      This picture looks like the old Donkey Kong game where I had to run up the ladders and dodge the barrels being thrown at me. Thanks for the nostalgia. Next time use crayons. They are more accurate.

    2. Can someone explain why Intel *and* AMD suck? Is there no upside to being the best in the PC market?

    3. SocraticGoats on

      Instructions unclear, I drove my car off one of your roads and now I am stuck in a ditch

    4. Interesting take. Do you think AMD could be setting up for a breakout, especially with all the focus on NVDA?

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