The longest, nastiest, and curviest one (10y-2y inversion) your mom has ever seen finally comes (to an end).

    Posted by ObiWanCanownme


    1. SnooMarzipans902 on

      Uh oh

      It’s not the inversion, it’s the un-inversion that causes precedes the recession. Puts loaded

    2. Leave my mom out of this. She’s picking up my wendys baconator. Live for excess that’s the American way, more bacon.

    3. LetsGoCastrudeau on

      If it smells like a recession, tastes like a recession, sounds like a recession. It’s a recession

    4. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      It’s still inverted, no?
      Chat gbt tells me 0 is I inverted 💀

      God help us! We are SO fucked in like 3 months

    5. The 10 year is going up relative to the 2 year. Is that a good sign because less money is going into long term bonds seeking safety? Or am I getting that backwards

    6. 2/10 inversion lives on as of this writing. The gap is narrow. 10bps or less.

      Still doesn’t mean shit.

    7. collegefootballfan69 on

      I think this chart means that we are going to unburden what we are burdened with…

    8. MM will pump til we see recession cancelled news then dump on everyone’s calls 2-3 months from now

    9. There are 16,000,000 members of this sub. MAYBE 6 of us know what this means…

      I am not one of those 6.

      Just tell me to buy puts or calls so I can be wrong either way, sir.

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