Nvidia results could spur record $300 billion swing in shares, options show


    Posted by Alex09464367


    1. UnlimitedPickle on

      As much as I’d love to play NVDA on earnings and potentially make a gigajillion dollarinos, seems more wise to play SPY or QQQ on it.

    2. After very long debate with solely myself I have decided to sit this earnings out. 

      Although my gut says we see $155 

    3. Jorel_Antonius on

      I don’t think the outlook will be as good as it has been. I think they beat but next quarter Forcast isn’t as strong as in the past. I think this causes price to tumble.

      No DD I’m just a regard that spent a few hundred in puts. If I’m wrong my shares are happy, if I’m right I make a couple 100.

    4. This is pretty simple. Earnings will be good, stock will spike and then be quickly sold off.

    5. relentlessoldman on

      Lol just reading this headline says to me “could move 10%”. Shocker. This is not news.

    6. **Translation**: “Everybody buy options and we’re going to fuck you in the ass because we can!”

    7. Gold-Island-4558 on

      If Jensen so much as stutters or coughs at the wrong time, the entire market is going to collapse so I’m just gonna tap in Thursday morning

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