TLDR; I AM AS REGARDED as the next guy, but I recommend lowering exposure to NVDA earnings tomorrow to save money to play the aftermath.

    Tomorrow is the Super Bowl of stocks. It's no secret that everyone down to the shoe shiner is balls deep in NVDA (mostly long, looking at the options chain) exposure. There are also those hoping for the end of the world to begin tomorrow. But the one thing we know about Wall Street as a certainty is that they don't like when retail wins.

    We are all aware of the bull case. VERY simplified:

    1. Major tech companies have significantly increased CAPEX in Q2 and it doesn't take a genius to figure out where that money went.

    2. Tech CEOs have been quoted as saying that underspending is more of an issue than overspending. See also Sam Altman (OpenAI) & Co. as being open supporters of the theory of effective accelerationism, which in a nutshell is the belief that the pursuit of general intelligence warrants all costs, natural and financial.

    3. Nvidia is still founder led at this scale by Jensen Huang who is an amazing man and one of the greatest minds of our time.

    The bear case is mostly about forward guidance, as pretty much everyone believes there will be an EPS beat. This is mostly macroeconomic and includes:

    1. Concerns about tech companies not being able to profit from AI spending, leading to winding down.

    Rebuttal: We're not going to see this materialize this quarter. Tech has barely dipped their toes into seeing what value they can extract out of the newest line of hardware. It is simply too early to see. Even if you don't buy that, see previous point about under/overspending.

    1. Blackwell delays

    Rebuttal: Priced in, much like the heat death of the universe itself. But really, who cares about this. Blackwell is still the only game in town.

    1. US economy slowing, 800k jobs just "lost" while stocks are nearing ATH, election concerns, general stuff like that.

    Rebuttal: No rebuttal. Completely legitimate to believe that a large correction is looming, if you're not kidding yourself.

    So why not move all in tomorrow? 50/50 is better odds than what retail usually get anyways.

    You all know about IV crush, how NVDA is already priced to jump basically 10% after earnings, and all that. If you need to play options, please consider getting ones longer than August 30, which will be impacted the most. September 20 seems like a fair middle ground between "fun" leverage and having enough time to correct the ship should things go bad.

    You also all know that the world is watching these earnings the way we watch a groundhog come out of a hole to tell us if there are going to be six more weeks of winter or early spring. If you are patient enough to hold cash and simply wait to see the outcome, you WILL make money on placing a directionally good bet – with the benefit of being able to scoop up IV crushed options. It is also possible to hold SPY calls/puts as a proxy for NVDA to lessen the impact of IV crush.

    It is a likely reality that big money is able to keep the prices pinned this week so that these 130's expire cheap or worthless. A massive 128.60 institutional buy wall was briefly up today, before the stint over 129, which suggests to me that smart money/funds are keeping dry powder ready.

    Please consider which would minimize regret: missing out on winning the big 50/50 or not having the funds to act on what will be very well informed plays for the direction of the entire market over the next 1-2 months.

    Thank you very much, may God protect our savings.

    Things to consider before betting it all on NVDA earnings tomorrow.
    byu/AwarenessOk5979 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by AwarenessOk5979


    1. LoganScheffler on

      Isn’t saying “everyone thinks there will be an eps beat” a contradiction in terms? I’m not saying you said anything wrong, just that I find it interesting how analysts predictions are not taken seriously

    2. Chick-Phil-Aye on

      This is a well phrased PSA that follows logic. I applause you, but I’m knees deep already. Either way, I’m downing tomorrow

    3. Can I say something? ………………………………

      I am in tooooooo deep bro. I. am. in. too. deeeeeeep.

    4. I’ve learned that sometimes the best of news and the worst of news barely moves the needle on “super” stocks. These are stocks that have either enjoyed a huge recent run up, or they are so old that they’ve split so many times that the stock is too diluted to react to good/bad news.

      The latter is almost like driving an aircraft carrier. You can crank the wheel hard, but the sheer size makes it barely move unless enough inputs (continued good or bad news) stay in effect long enough to compound the news/steering input.

      In other words, NVDA won’t have a super spike either way.

    5. InterviewObvious2680 on

      I don’t know. September is always red; therefore, I just bought tons of calls expiring 8/30.

    6. I don’t disagree with your caution.

      My firm just released a survey of Fortune 500s and the prevailing sentiment is now people first since everyone seems to be hitting a wall on adoption after implementatiom. Something to consider is that most companies that had the cash already dove in head first early and still aren’t seeing a significant return from their investment.

      Another notable fact is that most companies aren’t building out their own infrastructure, meaning that they’re just signing leases (averaging a few years), similar to how most companies source all their current equipment. The consensus for this quarter is it’ll reflect the last round of big companies jumping aboard the AI train, but how many were left after that first big wave. –and no…most companies don’t upgrade all of their equipment as soon as the shiny new thing comes out–

      All that said, the market is still highly volatile without any actionable news being released on rate cuts (with contuining bad news piling up) and everyone and their mom is talking about taking profits once the big NVDA pop comes. Did I forget to mention we’re in an election cycle?

      I’m sitting out earnings and assessing the play day of. As of right now, I’m thinking the safer play is to short the high.

    7. StreetBerry1849 on

      Also every recent earnings I felt everyone expected big gains on nvda. I played the opposite got royally screwed. Not this time.

    8. hiddenhills7036 on

      Balanced view thanks, but it might just be time to trim 2/3 after 800% gains going long. Can’t afford falling back at this point, even though the pain of seeing it go 20% post market will hurt severely more than it dropping 20%

    9. Nvda reports after close — so probably huge pump – then looking at 2- 3% gain at open Thursday IV crush in play. ALL PLAYS ARE SMOKED.

    10. TheWestinghouse on

      Womp womp nviddy diddy hold me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. behindcl0seddrs on

      This was pretty well thought out I’ll give that to you. I mean none of the gamblers will listen but still good stuff mate

    12. lol who is buying all this hype? I’m seeing dudes put their student loans and credit card cash advances into NVDA today. It’s insane.

    13. So “hypothetically” 🤡 if everything left in my account was on 133c 8/30 I could be doomed for a number of reasons.

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