There are 136k contracts open on 130 calls for 8/30 expiration. 80k open on 140 calls.

    Nothing close on put side (30k at 125 put, 64k at 120 put).

    They will not allow those calls to wind up ITM. Retail cannot be allowed to win at that scale.

    Calling flat, all contracts IV crushed.

    Position: iron condor Sell 140C Buy 150C/ Sell 120P Buy 110P. all 8/30 expiration.

    They wont let retail win on NVDA
    byu/_FullCourtPress inwallstreetbets

    Posted by _FullCourtPress


    1. I’m of the opinion that the best play here is just not to play until after the smoke clears.

      Once the market has a direction, then it’ll be time to commit. Plenty of money to be made after.

    2. You’re subscribing to the “Options Walls” theory here, in that MMs will actively prevent price from passing massive options stacks they probably sold. It’s definitely an effective tool for making options plays however the factors that tend to undermine it are:

      * Very high IV.
      * Extreme retail volume from memestocks and similar limiting MM’s control.

      Both of which are in play, what you propose might well play out but I wouldn’t discount the possibility they get busted open like pinatas due to the hype on this earnings and the over 60% retail ownership.

    3. Acceptable_Bat6100 on

      mass market collusion to screw “retail” investors? someones been spending too much time on a certain game company sub or was bankrupted by towel stock.

      retail investors are a fraction of the billions being traded by large financial institutions. they don’t even notice you. i seriously doubt these people give a fuck about your 2 options contracts let alone work together with a bunch of other hedge funds just to “screw retail”.

    4. When you have a short position, you buy calls to hedge. Not everyone is gambling, what a bunch of pussy, eh?

    5. darktidelegend on

      Retail already won on Nividia

      Now the question is, who in retail is smart enough to take profits

    6. Significant-Help-198 on

      People who use terms such as “retail” and “smart money” like it’s a 2 party political system are the incels of the finance world

    7. I’d have to go back and check but hasn’t there always been extremely heavy call activity the last year or so of nvda earnings…. Is the chain now more unusual than prior?

    8. PleaseBLogicalNow on

      This is how options actually really work.

      If you have a large position you sell calls at the price you’d like to exit this way you don’t move the price by selling. If they don’t exercise you just sell more calls the next date.

      When calls are sold, someone is perfectly happy if they get that price. NVDA’s closest ally just got a short attack. Every institution wants to get out of NVDA before it crashes.

      So they are just going to sell calls, every week until they’ve unloaded. However long that takes. One quarter, two quarters, whatever.

    9. Candlelight_Fant4sia on

      I don’t know what you mean, I already took my profits last week, yesterday my calls would have been ~45% down

    10. Old_Independence_661 on

      Honestly, seems like everyone who thinks “big bro is out to get retail” has no idea how options work.

    11. commitpushdrink on

      I’m up like 1400% on shares. Stop whining and be better dude.

      The fucking woe is me bullshit here lately is insane.

    12. “They”—says the poor fool. It’s always someone else to blame for your problems, isn’t it? The global cabal orchestrated your lack of success. Please post positions so we know what not to do.

    13. iswearitwaslikethat on

      Bro it’s not retail winning it’s the downwards pressure from Nvidia being the most valuable company in the world at 138 or whatever. I like Nvidia but it’s about to surpass Apple, the societal phenomenon that revolutionized phones and has such a huge impact people won’t fuck you if your tests are green.

    14. thicc_dads_club on

      “They”, huh?

      Some retail traders will win, the ones who bought in early, at favorable strikes and IVs, that correctly predict direction.

      The ones buying short-term, far OTM options at high IV won’t, of course, so don’t do that.

    15. lowrankcluster on

      Whether it will go upon down depends on if I buy or sell before earnings. Where do you guys want me to take the market.

    16. “They won’t let retail win”

      There fixed it for you.

      When a stock has a lot of retail buyers in it. Just stay away, the hedges have money signs in their eyes and the corners of a rug in their hands.

    17. notyourregularninja on

      Well based on buy the rumour sell the news logic you should sell before earnings

    18. Looks like an accumulation point here, that’s why the price kept at this level until the CEO provides more future projects.

    19. I’m in! Everything on INTC! I’m taking loans out on both of my kidneys and offing granny.

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