Lost $158,000 cad, Missmanagement of my Fuckin hard earned money


    Posted by PlaneBeautiful4880


    1. At least next time you will know, always trade small, until you can consistently make profits.

    2. What is wrong with you dude? You need actual psychological help if you’re joking about this, only way this behavior is excusable is if you’re rich which you probably are if you can gamble 150k like it’s lunch money.

    3. OrdinaryReasonable63 on

      RIP OP’s $158,000 CAD, you are in a better place now. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    4. Is this Canadian pesos? That’s like 5 dollars USD the greatest fcking currency on earth. Earn that next time and you will have better outcome.

    5. Junior_Net5701 on

      For those of you gambling away 150K like that, you are truly regarded. That’a absolute life-changing money, if you’re smart with it, and unless you make a decent 6 figure income, you pissed away your chance at a much higher standard of living than the average folk.

      And I absolutely love it.

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