Hi Guys,

    I was changing lanes to the right while indicating (with enough space), this car came in speeding, had to brake and hit the curb (damaged their mag). They sped and brake checked me and forced us to stop in the middle of the road. They were quite aggresive while I tried to remain calm, they took pictures of my license, plate and registration and told me that they will claim it with their insurance.

    I've never had this kind of scenario happen to be before so I admitedly was clueless on how to act in this situation. There are no damages to my car, how can their insurance prove that it was my fault? As far as I know, there are no dashcams or witnesses involved. This is in Quebec, Canada.

    Car hit curb after I supposedly cut them off
    byu/TinyBullet inInsurance

    Posted by TinyBullet


    1. redditsuxdonkeyass on

      They can’t. Your insure will call you for a statement. If you tell them what happened, neither party will be admitting fault. It’s very likely that with no visible damage to your vehicle, they will get nothing from your insurance and will have to file an at fault collision claim with their own insurance.

    2. If cars never touched then the person fixes their own car. Same thing happened to me and the cop told me to let the car hit me next time. I avoided the car and I hit the curb when she came into my lane while turning. I got her plate, cop printer pit her info including her home address and told me my only option is to sue her. I only scratched my rim and no suspension damage, so I didnt waste my time.

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