Totally normal for a company with their shit together to delay 10-K’s. Also SUPER fucking normal to announce this the day after you are publicly accused of accounting fraud 🤡

    Shit will really hit the fan soon when the DOJ opens an investigation into the alleged export control violations. Stock could be delisted (again) if they’re both cooking the books, AND sending high end AI GPUs to Russia and China, as the Hindenburg report alleges.

    Don’t worry, this is totally normal (SMCI)
    byu/BallsOfStonk inwallstreetbets

    Posted by BallsOfStonk


    1. Deloitte, who is their auditor, is probably shitting itself, trying to cover its ass legally and won’t sign the financials.

      They are probably asking to look into these accounts now and things are blowing up.

      Where their is smoke there is fire

      From my own perspective: i use to do sell side diligence at the big 4 and we got a tip from a whistle blower on a pretty material fraud happening. Never seen so many lawyers start busting through to my cubical with every communication i sent and email under a microscope.

    2. short report yesterday, delayed 10k today.


      this is about the worst possible response. they might as well call a press conference and rob the reporters, at this point.

    3. I looked to buy puts yesterday and did not buy, that’s why it’s dropping 9000% today.

    4. WilliamTheGamer on

      This is actually insane. The timing of the delay could not be more suspicious. Hindenburg is a sack of shit, but Nikola & Lordstown were both spot on reports by them. Nikola even resulted in criminal charges. 

    5. It’s still not late to buy puts. The expiry will be critical though. I’m doing Jan 2025.

    6. This is the stock that almost hit $1200 earlier this year. AI mania is slowly but steadily crashing.

    7. The_42nd_Napalm_King on

      Well, I guess I’ll never see the 1400 from when I bought 2 stocks at 800 a while ago 🙁

    8. I didnt read ALL the comments, but I was looking at SMCI trying to figure out why they have calls and puts that are $32….

    9. owned it,dumped it this morning and took the loss. one thing ive learned is accounting fraud kills companies faster than anything. i tend to ignore a lot of short seller reports like from hindenburg but combine that with delaying the 10-k and i want no part of it. only took a small loss (plus gave back all my profits) but better to move on to something else.

    10. Excessive_Taxation on

      Made 30k on this company during it’s bull run. Ready for round 2 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    11. Crazy how it bounced up a tad yday. Only to fall massively today lol. How can these types of dogey companies even get to the levels and stock markets that they are at…. Amazing and scary at the same time

    12. NVDA uses SMCI as a backdoor to (il)legally send banned GPUs to China ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    13. Let’s get into the details here.

      SMCI follows this model of delayed payments to its clients. This results in higher inventory. They do that to gain marketshare. The contentious part is when those revenues are realized. This is it. 

      Pretty much all other hindenburg allegations are hocus pocus, and their standard model is to start a lot of smoke and hope something comes out of it. After their attack if a company sues them they ask for all financial documents in discovery, which is a disaster in itself, which is why no one sues them.

      As per delay, won’t be surprised if smci is doing additional audits to be on the good side of SEC, and be accurate. The accounting firm they use will be independent and have shared responsibility. I think this is the right way to go. 

      Where the stock moves from here really depends on the fundamentals, which I think makes this a very cheap entry point. I just loaded up today for this reason.

    14. Pitiful_Difficulty_3 on

      Super micro is a shitty company AI or not. Just check their Glassdoor reviews.

    15. ivegotwonderfulnews on

      FYI – this announcement alone will require many pros to get shares off the books. filing delay and accusations of fraud is indefensible irrespective if its true or not. Longs sell and shorts are doubling down. Will be under $100 in a few months. Seen it many many times. How much did the BOD and top management sell over the last few months on top of teh offering a while back?

    16. Skittler_On_The_Roof on

      To be fair, if I was publicly accused of cooking the books, delaying the 10-K release to have internal and external audits would be one of the first things I’d do.  Guilty or not.

    17. Congratulations to you glorious bastards with PUTS! Today is payday! Buy some shares with your winnings!

      Congratulations … and fuck off.


    18. Lol. Wait until NVDA is exposed on todays earnings report. Get your puts and popcorn

    19. CustomersareQueen on

      So let me get this straight, SMCI is shitting all over NVDA big day? Papa Jensen not gonna be happy

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