Are you guys okay?

    Posted by ImaRobot94


    1. Gotta say bought 1 call when it was at 600, been real cheap to average down today.

      Have Jan 2025 so ill be fine

    2. barbaric_engineer on

      Chad move would be to load up calls now. But I am no chad ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. I had 2/ 505 puts for 24.4 from yesterday that were down $4k before open. Closed at +2.7k After open. One at 32.6 and 43.6. 10 minutes later the same contracts were near 100 per lol. Should’ve held.

    4. OrangeObjective3789 on

      What about for those who shorted it the second the Hindenburg report was published thanks to early access with corporate dollars

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