Reddit goes dark during NVDA earnings

    Posted by Brendawg324


    1. Dakattak101010 on

      I literally assumed someone pulled the plug on WSB cause the stock started dropping like crazy

    2. Pale_Yoghurt_9549 on

      This would have been way more fun if reddit was up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. I know all regards here bought calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Watch NVDA come screaming back to life over the next couple of days after everyone locks in losses

    5. Why are these earnings calls still on POTS?  Talking about all this amazing tech and the audio sounds like Niel Armstrong 1969.  Can they at least Livestream on YouTube ffs?

    6. AmbitiousSlip6511 on

      Tell me the hedge funds own Reddit without telling me the hedge funds own Reddit

    7. This is so me right now. But I see this as a positive opportunity to buy more, hopefully lower than my $114 avg.

    8. I knew it wasn’t gonna be fine when I saw back to back posts about students going all in on calls with their tuitions, and people maxing out ALL their credit cards to go all in calls


      Can we get a meme going with JPOW and instead of him holding rope, hes holding ethernet wires?!?! Hahaha

    10. Affectionate_Fold_71 on

      “It’s just panic over the options. If anyone had listened to the earnings call, they would have realized that there is no weakness and that the stock seems very bullish.

    11. They were never gonna let the retail trader win. Never. All those institutions cashing in on the premiums rn… they never lose

    12. Almost got margin called with my futures short, made 2 weeks ago.
      Im almost break even.
      So fuck your ponzi market, fuck your calls and fuck bidoneconomics.
      Its time for a reality check and delete all the printed money.
      Burn all and jesus is king.

    13. Little-Emergency6568 on

      No doubt. The stock has been manipulated!
      They won’t let us the individual to win

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