Meme stock

    Posted by Soupb4


    1. Now you know the market is controlled sometimes. Nobody want all these call options to print, would be huge loss for some people.

    2. For all the plebs who keep saying market is controlled, itā€™s not. You expected the price to go up after positive earnings? Thatā€™s because your assumptions wrong, youā€™re assuming the price hasnā€™t already factored in future growth. The price is only balancing out, itā€™s not controlled

    3. My theory is all the big companies sold a shit ton of super far OTM calls because of the high expectations and high premiums. Everyone was right. So all the traders are selling to tank the stock before tmr when it opens +10% and none of the calls will print

      market manipulation at its finest

    4. Select_Cantaloupe_62 on

      I’m so fucking over this shit. Nothing is pegged to anything, it’s literally a casino. Nobody is making decisions on any numbers, the secondary market isn’t pegged to anything. I’m buying a tractor.

    5. Preform_Perform on

      This was me with Amazon in Q1 2016.

      “Oh, they smashed expectations, they just didn’t smash expectations HARD ENOUGH. -12% FOR YOU!”

    6. El_Cactus_Fantastico on

      ā€œMeme stockā€ insanely profitable major player in the space? What?

      People sell on earnings. Go long or go home. You are bad at this.

    7. Sold most of my NVIDIA stock yesterday for that SWEET 2 year gains just in time to watch all the loss porn. Canā€™t wait for tomorrowā€™s uncovered spankings!

    8. NVDA is for pussies, Gigachads max out all their revolving credit cards and put it all on INTEL. Intel is abbreviation for Intelligence. Are you dumb? Be a Gigachad

    9. Crafty-Requirement40 on

      Keep laughing. It gonna fly to the sky tomorrow morning. A lot of people will buy the dip.

    10. Tesla is the real meme stonk. Sales are droppingā€¦but Elon tweeted the roadster will be able to fly! Stock goes šŸš€šŸŒ–

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