‘I sold already’ face 🤓😝


    Posted by iamshakespearesmuse


    1. Jensen didn’t want his stock to go down.
      The Hedge funds who been selling options all week on the other hand did. Thus their dump and dump and getting people to panic sell worked.

    2. Lazy-Gene-7284 on

      Definitely not his fault, they did better than expected for the 6th time in a row

    3. LittleHoneydew3466 on

      This is one of the funniest things I seen this week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Gold-Island-4558 on

      Just imagine being that one engineer that spoke up in a meeting about a critical design flaw that he found in Blackwell that led to hundreds of billions of dollars of company value evaporating and thousands of people crying over their portable rectangle that determines their societal status and mental well-being. Luckily dudes not at Boeing

    5. No-Comment1925 on

      Don’t worry regards Nvidia will build an AI so powerful it will provide the solution for an infinite rise in its share price

    6. OP, any way you can help drive that price down so I can buy more of it would be awesome.

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