Seeing so many comments and threads of people asking if their $130 8/30 calls will still print followed by the equally delusional regards replying about how the market will magically gap up 12-15% by market open tomorrow, erase all losses today, and somehow pump enough for their 1dte far OTM options to be back in the green.

    No, it's not going to happen. I'm by no means saying that this AI hype/Nvidia is done for, but large runups like these absolutely do need a cool-down period as a break. No stock can sustain Nvidia type growth for years on end. Nvidia has blown so many earnings reports out of the water, this time it essentially had to face the impossible task to beat the expectations to beat the sky high expectations of beating analyst predictions. On top of that 99% of the posts and comments I've seen on WSB were NVDA earnings extreme bulls, so that alone should've told you something.

    Again, I'm not saying that this run is over and Nvidia will go to zero- I still think it's fundamentally a great company and has clear long-term growth potential. A LOT of people are comparing this to the dot-com bubble, but what people don't realize is that bubbles usually tend to eradicate the smaller BS companies that base their entire business on AI to piggyback the hype. Nvidia is comparable to Google, Meta, or Apple back then, and will likely be perfectly fine.

    What I think will mostly happen is that, again, soon DTE calls would go completely or near worthless in the next few weeks as Nvidia regresses and enters the backburners in terms of the overall rotation leading up to the election, and will continue its rally soon after.

    Positions: An assortment of strike 120, 122, 123, and 124 8/30 puts, 120/123 8/30 debit put spreads. Will soon add some longer DTE leaps.

    TL;DR: Your 8/30 or 9/6 NVDA calls are done for. There will be no magical 15% gap up tomorrow. LEAP holders are likely fine, and start buying shares if we dip further.

    Short term Nvidia call holders- it's over.
    byu/Fun-Negotiation-9046 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Fun-Negotiation-9046


    1. unknownnoname2424 on

      Been telling regards since past two weeks that it will touch 115 after earnings and all regards were laughing… Will be buying now tomorrow when everyone is selling after buying high sell low

    2. Obviously. it’s switching to small caps folks, this happens every bull run. Look at small caps, they’re recovering during AH. People that sold today were holding shares, not options.

      Also, it didn’t really go down much, this is around the median price the past few months. Only way you lost a lot of money is by buying options. If you were holding shares, this isn’t even slightly bad, a 10% drop on Nvidia is return to the mean. This company since 2017 has probably had at least 3 50% drops (over weeks/months, not days,) but still, this is completely normal and healthy market behavior.

      We’re still in a bull market until spy tells us otherwise. Peak trough, were in an important time, But, I’m still going with the trend.

    3. chooseusermochi on

      People need to remember this is the first er after the split. The float is f’ing huge. They needed that buyback. Also people need to use a market cap calculator to get a grasp on reality.

    4. ManyCommunications on

      This is the most level headed post I’ve seen within the past month. Congratd

    5. astromouse2024 on

      I guess in hindsight seeing the ‘nvda to 115’ comments being downvoted was probably the sign things were headed downhill

    6. Mountain_Reporter532 on

      Not saying you’re wrong but you’re still speaking out of your ass

    7. Throwaway_6799 on

      Not to mention also that your break even price is the strike plus what you paid for the option in the first place. People seem to think that if the stock price gets back to the strike price they break even.

      Positions: sold my $110 20/9 calls today, will buy back in on a dip.

    8. There have been examples in the past of other company AH earnings dumping/rising, just for the exact opposite to occur the next morning when the market opens.

      I think this inverse reaction is unlikely to occur in this instance, but how can you with such confidence with 100% certainty say NVDA won’t pump when the market opens?

      I agree with you that weekly call holders are likely f*cked, but so are weekly put holders, depending on their strike price.

      NVDA IV and premium was so ridiculously inflated that I feel like NVDA needs to go to 110 or lower just for weekly put holders to break even.

      Quite frankly I think its dumb for anyone to do options trading on NVDA, regardless of whether its ER or a normal period. The premium is always way too expensive.

      If someone wants to trade NVDA, it’s much better to trade SPY or one of the other dozens of tickers that basically correlate 1:1 with NVDA, that are way less expensive.

    9. Longjumping_Serve_68 on

      I don’t think there will be a major sell of tomorrow. I think people will buy this dip. Won’t that affect the stock price? Options are fucked..but talking about shares

    10. leave-mealone on

      NVDA dips will get bought, it didn’t go below 110. There will be more buying tomorrow.

    11. DarkRoomDestroyer on

      So many paragraphs and not a single ban bet. OP oughta make an aggressive ban bet that the stock won’t touch 130 through 8/30 since he is so sure.

    12. longswordsuperfuck on

      I think the 9/6 crowd might MIGHT break even or take a loss via theta, but it’s going to be stretch.

    13. Dude, but hear me out.

      They’ve already killed all the calls. Now all the rainbow bears are creaming their pants, but 90% of them won’t make shit. They’ll see a big drop tomorrow morning and go omg I’m gonna be a millionaire. Edit: 90% will hold til market close because they’re greedy and it’s never enough.

      Then right at 10 am, boom super rally. Huge huge gains up to just around $127, now all the calls holders think heyyyy I have a chance, maybe I’ll hold til Friday.

      Nope, Friday huge drop again.

      Everyone gets fucked, market makers laugh to their third yacht.

    14. Don’t think it’s unrealistic to float back around 130 in a week or two.

      The Blackwell shipping in Q4 was a big reassurance on future guidance that was a maybe before the call. I don’t put a lot of faith in what is essentially after hours trading. I’ve seen far too many movements during calls get reversed on open, and little about the call was something to frown about. Company is an absolute money printer without real competition.

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