He thought it was hilarious. Hope you guys enjoy it too!


    Posted by Knut31


    1. Pale_Yoghurt_9549 on

      CNBC says this is a nothing burger because that’s the volume of today. but look how much the stock moved today, imagine if that was all buys

    2. 50B is about 400M shares, or 1.6% of float. Not even close to enough to stop a sell off, especially since it’s done in batches, not all at once

    3. I’m a crypto guy and I absolutely love when these massive companies treat their stocks like shit coins

    4. That’s how fucked up stock buybacks are or have become. NVDA more than doubled their revenue YoY, and you’re telling me they have no better way to reinvest that 50B other than to buy back their own shares? You’d think they’d need every penny they have for Capex and R&D, instead they’re marginally supporting their share price.

      Maybe just speaks volumes about where they think they’re headed? They’re aware the demand won’t be there in 12-24 months?

    5. Inactive-Loaf-1192 on

      Thanks for the context that you made it for your friend because otherwise I was about to say this isn’t very funny

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