Let me commence the nvda loss porn


    Posted by SnooBeans8206


    1. CaptainDorfman on

      Imagine being down 40% over 1 year when you could’ve just bought SPY shares and been up 28% for way less work and worry

    2. Cut the loss. Don’t wait it out seriously. You’ll lose it all. Better trades to be made elsewhere. Don’t listen to these regards.

    3. togetherwem0m0 on

      Everyone in retail better be loading up today because after these calls expire worthless we are going to mars

    4. Comparison with the indices at the bottom is so diabolical lol a constant reminder that not everyone can beat this market

    5. My losses where more unrealized gains. 
      I bought calls when it dropped to 100s a few weeks ago. Went from 100% gain to 60%.

      Still a win, just not as fun. (Especially because NVDA gave me 300% last two earnings.)

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