CEOs in 2024 be like:

    Posted by Brendawg324


    1. Wdym?! I’m financially constrained for the last 4 years and no CEO is talking about me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    2. “As we celebrate mediocrity, all the boys upstairs want to see

      How much you’ll pay for what you used to get for free”

      – Tom Petty, The Last DJ

    3. DollarBillAxeCap on

      Maybe if we paid people more and CEOs less then they would be able to afford crazy high prices 🤔

    4. Theres still many many many people with high paying jobs or businesses that are completely fine. Its just you are poor. No recession too much money out there

    5. when inflation was high and people were buying like crazy. CEO were complaining labor wage were too high.
      Now inflation is coming down due to people cant buy overprice sht, CEO then complain about financially constraint consumer.
      CEO will find something to complain about, anything but their own decision.

    6. Saw something earlier about the Kroger CEO admitting they raised prices above inflation.

    7. Also an option: blame crime. Target recently closed some stores in my area due to “crime,” but not the downtown store in the shady part of town.

    8. Gaurav_212005 on

      And then they’ll release a ‘limited edition’ version with a 10% markup to make up for it.

    9. notyourregularninja on

      Amazing how the companies with their whole market base built on financially constrained consumer complaining that their market base increased so they are failing!! MCD and then now DG

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