AAPL; please stay up this time to keep over 7 figures


    Posted by BaBaBuyey


    1. redditmodsRrussians on

      I mean, if you are already at a million and you arent selling, whats the price target you are looking for?

    2. Ill_Friendship2357 on

      You beat me in the unrealized gain but I do have more shares than you =) about 8800 shares.

    3. Solid-Nose-2870 on

      Now that’s a sexy return!!

      I feel the same exact way about my portfolio that keeps hovering under and over 250k and I just want the stocks to stay up to keep me over 250…. But then I’m always happy for them to go down so that I can scoop up more shares 😂

      My returns aren’t nearly as fat as these though, catch me in a decade though 👊🏼😂

    4. you got AAPL at 8? when was that 2010?? damn boi.

      whats even more impressive is that you held until now. i would have cashed that in long time ago. at least partially.

    5. Redditaccount2322 on

      r/investing is -> that way. This board is for regards who like to light their money on fire with IV crush and theta. Sick gains though. How often do you check your brokerage?

    6. Bro maybe cash out?

      You know the golden rule. If it’s good enough to screenshot it…

    7. I thought I was doing well. Damn. Congrats.

      I have 4000 shares, but my cost basis is $93k, with $834k unrealized. Just shy of $930k total value.

    8. Sandvicheater on

      If OP put all his chips on AAPL and AAPL alone, he’s one Tim Cook died when his private jet blew up news from having his port blow up.

    9. Man you making my AAPL return look pedestrians. I have 13,200 shares with only 1250% return.

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