1. Kooky_Lime1793 on

      this is the smaller contract of the 2 they are hoping for. I got in at $5.45 and out at $5.75 real quick.

    2. This isn’t the Nsns contract right? Means there’s still a possibility of another one plus the viper contract? Bonus catalyst?

    3. BVB_TallMorty on

      Not “the” contract. Still 2 more to come very soon, hopefully. Future is bright

    4. LeatherBooots on

      Nearly 600 shares with 5.30 average. Originally bought at 9.90 like a regard but hoping for bright horizons for the company. Round two boys let’s go

    5. Lopsided_Fan_9150 on

      Dammit. I knew there was a trade I wanted to track since all the noise a month or so ago…

      Then life made me forget.

      And this is how you remind me????


    6. I sold the 5$ puts for a nice premium, I was pretty much hoping to get assigned.

      Should’ve just bought the shares ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    7. Not_a_doctor_6969 on

      LUNR got A contract (another one) but the big one is still to be announced. This isn’t NSNS. Definitely a nice win but we’re still waiting on the big one! NSNS is 5x the size of this award. What makes me so excited about this though is that it seems like a strong signal from NASA of their confidence in the company, which makes me even hornier for the NSNS contract

    8. Short_Pen_5013 on

      So hard right now. Got a few thousand of these bad boys in the portfolio just for this occasion. 

    9. Any_Influence_8305 on

      220 shares bought between 4.35-5 even. Thanks regards ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    10. TropicalGuanabana on

      Could only afford 6 Sep20 5$ calls last week, let’s see what becomes of them

    11. This isn’t “the contract”. This is an additional one. The first portion of the NSNS contract worth over $200 million should be awarded tomorrow.

    12. LUNR to $20+ 🙏 They’re on a good run lately, I feel like the stock should be performing better but I guess considering they crashed the last mission, investors are holding their breath for mission successes. What do you think this stock can go to with some positive mission outcomes?

    13. Two NSNS awards outstanding in August and September. VIPER rover contract is in play, without a timeline. Lunar Terrain Vehicle (large rover) contract is in prototype competition with IM one of three finalists currently building the rovers; that one is about a year out.

    14. MyUsernameistakenagn on

      The fact we have this one and the 2 other NSNS contracts to be announced is nuts

    15. I remember posting this three months ago, and got laughed at. See you in the funny papers!

    16. pie4mepie4all on

      So just to confirm I sold a 5.5 covered call which expires tomorrow. If the price exceeds 5.65 before 4pm my shares get called away but I get the difference for those 100 shares 5.65×100 shares worth correct?

    17. Holy fuck!!! I’m at work right now and can’t contain my excitement. Up 16% after hour right now. I loaded up on 20 $5, $6 and $7 calls and I cannot wait until tomorrow morning. It’s gonna be a good day lads!!!!

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