Dollar General stock tanks 32% after outlook cut spurred by ‘cash-strapped’ customer

    Posted by GAMorgan-


    1. When I heard they were charging for cash back at the register, I knew they were done. Any customer who has that happen once would never come back. Not with other groceries down the street. People are psycho about what happens at the register.

    2. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      People are too poor to shop at Dollar General now?

      If that’s not a recession indicator, I’m not sure what is.

    3. MarranoPoltergeist on

      Dollar General actually does this thing where they overcharge for most everything – there may be a deal or two. It’s not like Dollar Tree where prices are pretty much set. It feels like if a rent-a-center were a corner store

    4. Headline: Consumer Spending Increases in July Despite Higher Prices


      Consumer spending is increasing because of higher prices. People are buying the same amount of shit; they’re just paying more for it. This will not end well. Markets (profits) at all-time highs. Consumer savings low, credit card debt high. Not a good look.

    5. LoveNature_Trades on

      Oh you mean the customer base that can barely afford a trailer park house if that? Lol no doubt.

    6. hekatonkhairez on

      Wow who knew that fleecing poor people would lead to poor people having no money to spend on your merchandise.

    7. Take the stairs going up, and the elevator going down. 

      Godspeed to any regard holding or buying more DG. I promise one day I’ll make it to a store to buy a pocket notebook I’ve been meaning to buy.

      I’m just too lazy and Amazon is too convenient. 

    8. shinebrighterbilly on

      I believe it. I was talking to a friend a few months ago that works in the child support division of their cities prosecutors office. A trend they see from the poorest cases is people pleading with judges over their payments because they are now living in a daily rate hotel. 2-3 years ago they might see 1-2 cases a month. This year its no longer rare to see it. Rent jumped from 600/m to 1200+, they have a history on their record so they never go the pay bumps etc.

    9. AmbivalentFanatic on

      They’re not cash strapped, they’re poor. Cash is the only form of wealth poor people have access to, and they never have enough. A dollar general cropping up is a bad sign for the local economy. It means there are a lot of poor people around.

    10. 37853688544788 on

      Harris incoming will hopefully fine the shit outta them. I’d jump ship too. Wish I snagged some puts! Guy from Kroger just admitted price gouging too.

    11. It should be related to the fact they cant run a store worth a damn. Extremely understaffed, overworked and likely underpaid. I wouldnt work for them in my worst moment.

    12. lol, genius business plan. Blame the poors that are your prime demographic for being too poor. How dare they /s

    13. I remember a few years ago when everyone loved DG because “they outperform in a recession” blah blah blah. What everyone forgot is that is that interest rates are through the roof, inflation is up, and labor costs are up and it’s a terribly managed company that over-leveraged itself trying to expand. This is not 2008 and I think DG is fucked (and good riddance).

      Just the fact that price discovery is so much easier now with online shopping makes their business model tenuous, yeah you might be poor but when you can compare products on the shitter you have an easier time realizing DG is butt fucking your wallet and even if it costs too much gas to drive to the nearest Walmart a town over you can order most shit to your house at no extra cost with a small minimum order size. Even the most economically challenged can avoid paying DG’s poverty tax these days unlike 2008.

      They’ve also built stores in weird places, I live in an up and coming rural suburb with existing family run general stores within 5 miles and a Target and Walmart within 10, DG went and built a store right next to the family run place and sees almost no business because people around here either have money and shop at Target or stick with the existing family shops because they’re still better value and service than DG. Idk who greenlit that store but they’re a moron, this isn’t bumfuckistan Idaho where they can edge out the competition.

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