This is where all $NVDA earnings report call owners can meet to provide support for one another and discuss their abuse.

    I trusted Father Jensen, so much that I bought 4.2k worth of calls (relative to my measly 16k port)

    My calls are now worth a whopping $82.

    $NVDA hurt me in places I didnt know I could hurt.

    I've lost faith and hit rock bottom. 11 months of progress flushed down the toilet.

    The next person now has the speaking pillow and may now speak.

    NVIDIA Therapy Group – Meeting 1
    byu/redditer2363 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by redditer2363


    1. This is legitimately starting to eat into my principle, pretty concerning I want to pull out but I can’t. I hate this stock. It will go to 110 before slowly creeping back for months. This is ridiculous man I need this shit to come back even just slightly I literally cannot handle more dippage at this point.

    2. pusgnihtekami on

      My name is ^ and I’m a bag holder. I was up 30% prior to close yesterday down 98% at open.

    3. suddenly-scrooge on

      I lost $3k on 811 shares. Straight earnings play, just decided to eat the turd this morning and luckily didn’t incur another $3k in losses later in the day

    4. Budget-Recognition26 on

      I made 8k last monday on nvda calls.. went back in with 10k on 130c 08/23 lost it all. Now I’m back in 09/06 126c thought I’d play it safer. Fk you Jensen 

    5. paintedfaceless on

      I didn’t even invest in this and still got smoked. Stupid AMZN and ARM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    6. My first option play, didn’t turn out as expected, i hope tomorrow i can recover a little bit with DELL,
      Spy fucked me too, i feel like a whore but without getting paid

    7. This is why you never do earnings play. I’m sorry this happened to you.

      Here you go my friend, ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    8. You guys learned a valuable lesson about the market and risk management. Hopefully the cost wasn’t too high.

    9. Psychological-Touch1 on

      If you bought NVDA yesterday, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 stocks but that ain’t one.

    10. I saw a lot of comments here saying NVDA wouldnt meet expectations so was thinking inverse with $7k in calls was the best option. Ended up not doing anything

    11. InfinityAndBelow on

      I only lost $500, but I feel your pain. It’s okay. It will get better. Focus on your main source of income instead of investments, you’ll make more money that way. Maybe. If not go find a Wendy’s dumpster.

    12. Capable_Wait09 on

      major Avengers Endgame post-snap vibes today

      Look, every generation has events frozen in time that force a national reckoning and deep internal reflection. JFK assassination. Watergate. 9/11. Thanos.

      We’ve just had our moment. In 30 years we’ll all remember where we were when we found out about the market’s reaction to Nvidia’s FY 2025 Q2 earnings beat and the devastation it wrought on our portfolios. But the EPS. It was so good. I just can’t understand….

      It’s done though. It happened. What matters now is what we do next.

    13. Smart-Level-6633 on

      I too hold Bags, I had 5 Calls and now will have to hold into next week since they are pretty are much worthless anyway. The only good thing that happened is that I sold my shares before the close and took gains on that. However, overall will still be a unfortunate loss. The market has really sucked in the second half.

    14. I bought 57k worth of 101C @ 9/20 was up 7k the days before ER. now i’m down like 22k but I through another 30k on it and cost avg down to $22. I expect to break even tomorrow with the max pain being $22

    15. Hi. I bought 20 calls back at $93. I ran them up to 157% profit. Sold all of them, but six. Then yesterday when the stock dipped down to $124.5 I boIght 20 more calls which are now pieces of garbage unless a miracle gets performed and like a true psychopath I decided to throw more at a few lottery tickets for 9/6, 9/13 and 9/20, because I am apparently very masochistic and obsessively unable to move on. I am not however, regarded, as this is all less than 1% of my portfolio.

    16. Did I light $750 on fire with an 8/30 NVDA call? Yes.

      Did I just pull everything I had out of SCMI and dump it into LUNR? Also yes.

    17. I didn’t lose that much money on nvidia today, but I’m really sad about the stock tanking. Fuck man, today was supposed to be a great day. I can only imagine this is how it feels when your favorite team loses the championship or whatever in sports. I want this week to end so I can sleep until Monday.

    18. Freefromoutcome on

      I like buying shares. Only mess w/ calls if you buy 10 shares then 20 shares 3-5% lower then 40 shares 3-5% lower then 80 shares 3-5% lower then 160 shares 3-5% lower. After that point i would prob dip into calls and then turn them into riskless/low risk call spreads when you get a spike.

    19. I lost 1.5k in opciones I’m still holding my 120 shares of invidia But I’m mad at myself should gonna with puts. O well tommoro is an other day

    20. I feel like this drop is a head fake from firms watch in 3 months it hits $150 then it will drop down again to $120

    21. spanishdictlover on

      Tomorrow is about to be ugly and the chart doesn’t look very good. And there was a ton of selling pressure today.

    22. superhappykid on

      O god, NVDA beat earnings and raised guidance and stock tanked. LULU missed earnings and cried and stock went up. Help me. Meanwhile TSLA lower gross margins than TOYOTA and still above 200. This stock market is craaay

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