This isn’t something you see very often. And it makes me happy.

    Posted by Jellym9s


    1. ScipioAfricanusMAJ on

      Lmao Intel hit all time lows hours ago and rebounds by pennies and your stupid ass decided to make a post pretending you’re smart for being different

      What’s even more funny is that you’re serious.

    2. I bought some calls before closing because I think it could try to go back around 26z But I don’t think the storm is over. They have a major problem in cash flow. They have a 52 billion in bonds and 3.75 billion are due in 2025.

    3. ApatheticAussieApe on

      Intel guy just sacrificed another offering at Grandma’s grave.

      She’s gaining power, slowly but steadily.

      Ps: the offering? It’s a virgin holding an unused 4090.

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