Long story short, I got a DUI in February 2022 (not my finest moment) and finally went to court in June, where it was reduced to reckless driving. It was my understanding that my insurance would drastically increase so imagine my surprise when my renewal quote came and it did not go up at all.

    I use State Farm and am insured in NC. I was told that usually they go by conviction date, not the date of the ticket so I don’t imagine that the ticket officially being 2.5 years old has anything to do with it not applying and even then, they usually go at least 3 years back right? Does anyone know what might’ve happened? It was my understanding that these type of charges automatically get reported to insurance agencies.

    Why didn’t my insurance go up after reckless driving conviction?
    byu/liltayusmc inInsurance

    Posted by liltayusmc


    1. If you *just* went to court in June, it’s possible there’s a lag between it officially being on your record and when your insurance processed your renewal. You should be able to navigate through the online web portal (or talk to your SF agent if applicable) to see what’s on your driving record and affecting your rates.

      If it’s not there, expect it next renewal. If it’s there, count your blessings and keep making better decisions on the road.

    2. The conviction happened after your renewal paperwork had already been generated. This happens 60-90 days before your renewal date. They’ll probably get you on the next one.

    3. 1. The DMV does not report convictions to insurance companies. 2. Insurance companies use the conviction date for surcharging. 3. Unless your insurance company orders a renewal MVR, they will not know about the violation. MVRs are expensive for insurance companies to order on all renewals, so most don’t unless there is a triggering event like an accident/claim. Keep your fingers crossed and drive as safely as possible. As a side note, I have 40 years of underwriting experience,

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