(Part 2) INTC options trading is my new favorite pastime. Road to 30K to buy a new Honda Civic.


    Posted by WashedUpHalo5Pro


    1. MikesSaltyDogs on

      Watching my calls print while I sit in my civic. I’ll be watching your performance with great interest ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    2. No options play just buy and hold shit stock, but already has 2021 Altima SR 2.5![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. GreasyThumbsMcGee on

      What am I missing on these insane gains? I have 4 $21 calls dated 1/17/25, but only up 34% today? Am I too ITM? Too long dated?

    4. SubstantialEnema on

      you could buy a used 2005 Civic right now with what you have. Or you can lose it all on Monday. Your call.

    5. retard_trader on

      Someone exercised like a hundred million dollars worth of 40p and I don’t really understand why you’d want to own a stock trading at $20 for $40?

    6. This ☝️ is cost of living crisis. 2 years ago people were saving up for lambos and now this shit….

    7. East-Transition-8566 on

      Oh man. A guy trading options to buy a depreciating asset as the end game. Chefs kiss

    8. Wise-Hippo6088 on

      If you wanna get value from a new car, buy one off lease thats clean and optioned out. Low miles only

    9. Sell now and pocket the profits. It’s fucking intel, you expecting the moon?

      It’s a up 9% today.

    10. Going for the Civic Hybrid, OP? Lots of rave reviews over it. And it’s faster than the Si.

    11. I used to do this shit haha but I stopped cuz INTC is scary. I would not be able to sleep knowing I lost money on INTC of all things but good luck I hope you get that civic

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