I just signed up with CAA for my home and auto insurance about 6 months ago, they requested to do home inspection in June and that was done in July.

    The inspector just came for 5 minutes asked a few questions and took a few pictures of the external and left, he didn’t even go to any room or checked plumbing or electrical or anything.

    Yesterday I received a call from them saying they want to cancel my home policy because the house is too old.

    When I called them back to get more details about that they told me that the inspector stated that the house plumbing and electrical are not updated which is absolutely not correct, both electrical and plumbing are updated at least within the last 10 years “ we bought the house in 2020” we had multiple inspections done before and all verified the plumbing and electrical are up to date.

    When I start challenging them about that part and offered to do another inspection they said that won’t be accepted and then said the house is too old and it’s 124 years old.

    I tried to find the age of the house in multiple sources and nobody can confirm even the city records doesn’t have it but all sources agreed the house can’t be older than 90 years old as there’s pictures of city hall being built across the street from the house and it shows empty lot in 1936.

    Now I find that they cancelling the policy for all they wrong information and that basically will screw my insurance history because when I try to find another insurer they either refuse to insure because of the cancellation or they jack up the price.

    Oh and one more thing to add they call me yesterday August 29 and give me until September 05 I thought they should give 30 days notice or something long not just a week with long weekend involved.

    Sorry for the long post but is there anything I can do to challenge this decision of cancellation? Located in Ontario if that matters.

    Thank you in advance

    CAA wants to cancel my home insurance
    byu/Basha756 inInsurance

    Posted by Basha756

    1 Comment

    1. Down_vote_david on

      Something’s not right here. They can’t just cancel or non-renew you with this short of notice, especially if you’re actually 6 months into your policy. What’s state are you in? Do you have an agent you can talk to?

      If they’re actually canceling your policy, you should receive a notice in the mail stating the specific reason. Same with a non-renewal if that’s what you’re actually talking about.

      Once you have that letter, submit a complaint to your state department of insurance.

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