$100k YOLO into ASTS


    Posted by mua-DD-ib


    1. Thought you guys might appreciate this and it’s not like I can tell anyone I know irl. Two weeks ago I took ***everything*** I had saved, just under $100k, and YOLO’d it into ASTS.

      Currently down 20%. Am I worried? Well, I’ve certainly had better weeks. But I always planned on holding for a while, and my DD (such as it is) still says ASTS’s long-term prospects are good. It’s just a question of whether I have the nerve to hold, so…

      *I must not fear.*

      *Fear is the mind-killer.*

      *Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.*

      *I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.*

      *And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.*

      *Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.*

      *Only gains will remain.*

    2. On the bright side, you have shares dude. Most people on WSB play short DTE options. Hope it will work out for you, I like the stock but want discount so just sell CSPs.

    3. Ok_Entrepreneur3893 on

      Ur still good technically the dump will come with the satellite launch…just make sure u dump before the other regards dump or u will be holding that bag for a long time…asts is the worst kinda meme stock…why can’t yall rally around a business that makes money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Let’s hope the brokies across the globe who can’t afford WiFi and don’t grasp the concept of the internet will be able to pay an arm and a leg for 5mbps space download speeds.

    5. These are shares sell some covered calls for after the launch or at least hold through the launch then sell

    6. No-Examination4175 on

      With that amount I can buy 200+ QQQ or VOO and do the Cover call. Regular Income generator.

    7. Federal-Hearing-7270 on

      You will be fine, let it ride for 5 years and you’ll be golden. Welcome to the club.

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