SPY Performance By Months: counting only the performance on the specific month for 62Years.

    Source: Yahoo Finance


    Posted by TuxForBux



      WTF is this?!? Cumulative gains across 62 years of chaining months together? This is the most fucktarded visualization I’ve seen on Reddit this year.

      It reads like I make a $1000 investment on 1 November and it goes up 2.5x by the end of the month.

      Absolute masterclass in “How to Lie Using Statistics”. What shitty school taught you this garbage? Embarrassing.

      Edit: Just show the average and standard deviation for each month. All the effort you put into this only makes it harder to understand.

    2. illachrymable on

      This is such a terrible graph. You are linking years when there is not necessarily a connection.

      It makes it look like September have never been good, and Oct-Dec have always been good. On average, this is true, but it obscures that there are a lot of positive Septembers and a lot negative Oct-Dec months.

    3. LearnNewThingsDaily on

      Here’s a better reminder 🎗️ the first 2 weeks are generally flat, third week and fourth week is when the terror starts

    4. Buy low sell high. It’s actually better if it falls in September. DCA and you’ll fly even higher.

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