Personal savings rate are near record lows.

    Posted by iYashodhan


    1. PharmDinvestor on

      At any point in time on your chart, personal savings rate was at record low . So what’s your point ?

    2. That is what we get when regards repost stuff they don’t understand. Personal saving is equal to personal income less personal outlays and personal taxes so it’s not about actual savings it’s more about leftover income. Reasons for leftover income to go down can be getting fired or inflation being high or taxes being raise or a millions other things.

      It also doesn’t help that that it’s zoomed the F out so we obviously don’t see any details like the housing bubble being market as 2006 the graph actually showing 2005 and the crisis being 2008-2009 but whatever man the numbers just flow.

      We can also look at a time in 1987 where the personal savings rate went down the drain and nothing happened. Also 1974-1975 where the saving rate went up up and up before and during the crash.

    3. Acceptable_Answer570 on

      Of course they are. It burned through almost all of it when my responsible adult ATM long-term calls went tits up after the correction.

      Fuck you Market and I’ll see you tomorrow.

    4. Plandemic (COVID mRNA Vaccines) showed People who are Scared who to sit inside the house and stay away from Average Nice People because you belive you die..

    5. do they count money in the market as savings?

      i keep thinking should i put this in a high yield account or just put any money i would put in there in something like apple

      the chances of apple failing are about as high as whatever bank i put it in collapsing imo

    6. Are people regarded? I haven’t really changed the way I spend before/during/after covid. That’s even after changing jobs and getting a sizable bump in salary.

      Are people just unable to save up?

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