Russia’s Economy FALLS APART! Russian TOTAL Collapse is Closer Than you Think, Fall is Inevitable!

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    Putin FALLS APART! Russia’s TOTAL Collapse is Closer Than you Think, Putin’s Fall is Inevitable!

    Russia’s Economy FALLS APART! Russian TOTAL Collapse is Closer Than you Think, Fall is Inevitable!

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    1. Arrest Putin and his minions that won’t would be the best sanction busting move…the description of Russia 🇷🇺 as a gas station masquerading as a country is so true.

    2. People complaining about sending money to Ukraine better not hope Russia doesn't invade Europe because it won't just be even more money we'll be sending, but your children. So stfu with your complaining

    3. Democracy is leadership by consent of the people.
      Global authoritarian organisations are actively destabilising our democracies by flooding our countries with people and cultures completely at odds with liberal democracy. Illegal and legal migrants are a tool for globalists to destroy our democracies. In doing so they with instigate the authoritarianism they’ll tell us we need to maintain order.
      Countries in the EU must abide by the rules laid down by the EU. This means accepting millions of migrants to destroy the common will and general consensus of the people.
      Destroying Russia is part of this plan as it takes away the ability of many countries to turn to Russia for support when the eu tries to destroy them.
      This is why any attempts to make peace have been met with open hostility by our media and leaders. Any discussions about reducing immigration has been met with accusations of racism and discrimination. Any political party or individuals that speaks out against this obvious global agenda has their personal life and career destroyed by our corrupt media ruling elites and corrupt politicians.

    4. Lately russia has literally traded land to china for help, become dependent on china for money, lost any future potential for bussiness worldwide, and is partnering with North Korea for weapons. Funds across the world have been frozen, around 650 billion that russia will no longer have access too, indefinitely. European countries are moving away towards russian energy, russia is losing hundreds of thousands of man power, BILLIONS worth of military equipment, and the world has seen how truly weak russia is. They arent the second most powerful military, they aren't even capable of beating Ukraine. Most importantly, they arent paying their men, and he is losing support from the people. He will be assassinated.

    5. After all we have seen lately, why should anyone condemn Russia anymore? We should take a hard look at our own governments before we continue to throw stones from the balcony of our glass houses.

    6. You were saying the same about China and the CCP a year ago lol. Russia is waiting for Trump to become president as planned and do their thing…

    7. Sanctions are most definitely working. They cannot do what they were not meant to do or are unable to do. They are doing what they were meant to do and are able to do. Ukraine's armed forces are doing the rest. The future for Russia is dire.

    8. Russia does not need iphones or coca cola this is the sad thing that the west does not understand. Russians can live without burgers but the German economy will fall apart without cheap Russian gas.

    9. Yeah, Russia's economy has been failing for 2 years now. The AH's are still going. Too many people willing to break them. N korea, China and even India.

    10. Russia 🇷🇺 is selling oil to china 🇨🇳, India 🇮🇳, South America, sneaky euro countries, African countries. Russia 🇷🇺 is making its money even though most of those countries money is almost worthless. 😂🤣🤣😂😅🥹🥹😂😂🤣🥲🤣😂🥹🥹😅😂🤣🥲🤣😂😅

    11. Does anyone believe the stats Russia produces. This shows how mainstream media simply wants to sell ink, not facts. Thank God for Podcasts by independent content creators. This guy has no clue about how Economics work. I watched about 5 minutes, saw the lies coming, and left.

    12. The Sanctions didn’t fail
      The sanctions take about two years to implement

      And they force the country being sanctioned to be pidgeon-holed into keep doing the bad thing
      Which allows the samctioned to keep sanctioning

      And then eventually, after many years
      The sanctioned country is finally gutted and then gets toppled later

    13. Actions can be slow but will bring change at certain levels.

      But for on how good Rusia is doing also look at migration and what skills come in and leave the country.

      With up a milion men dead by the end of the year one can do some calculations (not assumptions) on how many women will leave Russia (during or after the war) due to wanting to have a family.

    14. I just spent an hour of my life watching this video, only to discover how an impressively biased individual can squander their time crafting a 60-minute masterpiece of one-sided drivel. If the goal was to educate, you might have considered offering a balanced view—just a thought! But hey, why bother with that when you can double down on your soapbox? And before you jump to conclusions, no, I’m not another Russian bot—I’m actually from Africa. But nice try!

    15. China is keen on prolonging the war in Ukraine as long as possible. The goal is to weaken Russia's military machine and economy. That way Russia will be dependent on China. China can use its position to negotiate the transfer of contested border regions without a shot being fired.

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