Europe trying to catch up in terms of AI.

    Posted by ayeroxx


    1. I_like_d0nuts on

      European steps to success:

      1. Don’t make investments or take risks
      2. Regulate everything to deminish innovations even further
      3. Realize you are behind in development by half a decade or more
      4. Complain and regulate more
      5. ?????
      6. Profit? and regluate more

      Edit: Thanks to u/ayeroxx for pointing out the last two steps.

    2. I feel like I’ve read this exact same headline, but replace AI with EVs, semiconductors, social media, fin tech, etc, etc, etc

    3. This is the conundrum- either stable and resilient, or risky and innovative.

      It’s an either or proposition wit regards to how society organises it’s industries.

      People can’t seem to fully wrap their minds around the different sides of the regulation coin

    4. Once all of the AI infrastructure is done, good luck to every other country trying to catch up to America.

      We’re already starting to use AI to detect cancer and map genetic sequences of viruses that don’t exist yet. Not to mention the ridiculous algorithms to gain a monetary advantage over others.

    5. The_Juice_Gourd on

      Yes, clearly Europe needs more regarded chatbots, surely that will save the economy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. I mean kinda, France could use a French LLM for sure. 

      It needs to be snarky and switch to English if the question isn’t asked in perfect French though. It also needs to have affairs with other LLMs. 

    7. JusticeBolt255 on

      Lmfao if they are thinking about this today just think about how much time it did take Google with the money and ressources they have. There is no way for Europe to catch up anytime soon. And during this time Google,Meta,Amazon and Microsoft are spending billions more on AI.

    8. Europe needs investors with balls and relaxed regulations for innovation without the crippling bureaucracy.
      Sadly both of those are largely in the hands of slow dusty old men with lots of money and no balls.

    9. EU regulates so much that soon it’ll turn into a communist state where everything is regulated.

    10. With how strict the EU is with data privacy, it doesn’t make sense how they are going to train those AI models without breaking the EU laws.

    11. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      Macron needs to shut the fuck up, Francebania is a irrelevant country that egoistically believe they’re still a world power and keeps trying to force their laws and regulations on everyone. When it fails(aka ignored), they pull out the Europe card and kept trying to get the region to agree with their dumbass brain dead draconian regulations. What they did to Telegram founder should be a clear sign that tech should start pulling out of Europe specifically, but watch them say that’s illegal like the dumb fuck babies they are. They are like the China of Europe, but only the barking and none of the relevancy nor power.

    12. No_Feeling920 on

      Macron should replace himself with an AI. Looking at the current state of the industry, we’re almost on his level, if not past it, already. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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