Well, this does not surprises me like it might to some people here…

    Former President Donald Trump said on Saturday that he believes voters in his home state of Florida will approve a marijuana legalization initiative on the November ballot, arguing that “someone should not be a criminal in Florida, when this is legal in so many other States.”

    Trump added that current policy ruins lives, wastes taxpayer dollars and puts people at risk of dying from cannabis tainted with fentanyl.

    The former president wants lawmakers to follow up on legalization if voters approve it, however, by passing a law to ban public cannabis consumption.

    “In Florida, like so many other States that have already given their approval, personal amounts of marijuana will be legalized for adults with Amendment 3,” Trump said in a post on his social media site Truth Social. “Whether people like it or not, this will happen through the approval of the Voters, so it should be done correctly.”

    “We need the State Legislature to responsibly create laws that prohibit the use of it in public spaces, so we do not smell marijuana everywhere we go, like we do in many of the Democrat run Cities,” he added. “At the same time, someone should not be a criminal in Florida, when this is legal in so many other States. We do not need to ruin lives & waste Taxpayer Dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it on them, and no one should grieve a loved one because they died from fentanyl laced marijuana.”

    Well, DeSantis must be seething right now 🤣

    Position: 908 shares of $MSOS @ $7.79 average

    I'm buying more of it next month and holding until December, remains to be seen if the plant will be rescheduled from I to III, but I'm hoping it will.

    Not Financial Advice.

    [MSOS] Trump supports Florida's marijuana legalization on the election ballot, calls for regulation of use in public spaces.
    byu/UsedState7381 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by UsedState7381


    1. Marijuana rescheduling is like that mouthwash that is supposed to prevent cavities after one use, or Tesla FSD. Always one year away.

    2. Almost all the companies that are in MSOS are saddled with very high debts. This ETF is gonna live between $5-$7 forever

    3. I don’t know what is more regarded, believing wallstreetbets or believing Donald Trump.

    4. Doesn’t matter what Trump supports. Dude is a walking failure who turns to shit anything he touches.

    5. He’ll try and say anything to get any sort of momentum back. Anyone believing this guys word is a mouth breathing moron.

    6. Marijuana rescheduling is just like that home improvement project I keep telling my wife I’ll finish. Sure, it will probably happen at some point, but I wouldn’t expect it anytime soon.

    7. Bro is caving in so hard. Needs the young blue vote and he’s comprising his position with the older red Christian vote

      This guy 😂

    8. It’s our god given right to be able to roll one up and smoke on a nature walk. I’ll die on that hill.

    9. SwishSwashMouthWash on

      His ass is willing to do or say anything to avoid prison politics cause prison don’t play.

    10. Trump “supporting” something means nothing. His word is worthless. Plus he’s going to lose and then attempt to start a civil war

    11. Wait you mean this moron actually is embracing a policy that isn’t stupid? Wow must be a great leader then, my bad!

    12. Fuck him! He’s just pandering to an audience as usual. Tell them what they want to hear…..gullible fools!!!

    13. One thing is certain. The dems have made zero push to legalize in the last 4 years. TBH I’m hoping they legalize it as a last ditch effort to gain votes. The bill has been shelfed in congress forever. What are we doing, just make it fuckin legal already.

    14. If people don’t realize that this clown will say ANYTHING to get elected, they need their brain checked. 2 weeks ago he wanted a national abortion ban, more he wants to lessen abortion restrictions. Don’t kid yourself, when it comes to it, he’ll fall in line with the big $ Republicans. The best financial advice I can give is to not base your investment on anything he says – because he’s likely turning around and telling somebody else the complete opposite.

    15. Nana will rise from her grave and takeover Wall Street before Trump supports *anything* to do with MJ.

    16. Cautious_Teach1397 on

      Trump will say he supports WHATEVER HE THINKS WILL MAKE YOU VOTE FOR HIM.

      He stands for nothing. Will say anything.

      That’s why he just pissed off right wing evangelicals with his abortion comments.

      Putting stock into what he says is regarded

    17. Johnny_Handsum on

      Just a reminder: He had 4 years in office to do something about it and didn’t do a damn thing. 

      Can’t believe I voted for that cuck in 2016.

    18. He’s a fucking liar. He doesn’t do half the shit he says he’s going to. Just trying to whip up votes

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