Atleast I deleted the app from my wife’s phone early this year. So far I have a place at home.

    Posted by radioactiviti


    1. Daddy_Dudley10101 on

      I’ve seen this before!!! What you wanna do is go into settings, and make sure ***Options*** are ***Disabled***, try that and see if it does anything.

    2. Boy that sounds like a healthy relationship not at all doomed to have trust issues. You need to own up now and make a plan for how to recover together. Don’t hide shit.

    3. Dude thats your retirement. Thats the one thing that should stay in index funds. 


    4. Why do so many people YOLO their Roth IRA? Do individual accounts not exist anymore, or simply lack of funds? It’s gross to see the negligence on one of the easiest wealth building tools. Thats WSB I guess 🤣

    5. Bro just me your paychecks. I promise you after a few years, you’ll have more than this even after I steal some of it.

    6. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Hey I’m gonna let everyone have their fun making jokes, and just leave this here…it was a STUPID fucking idea to expose ANY of your retirement account to gambling, LET ALONE 100% of it. Haha, great meme post, but the truth is, you fucked up bad and lost over 97% of your retirement fund, and it ain’t coming back. While you’re off laughing with everyone, don’t forget to seriously contemplate your life decisions and figure out a way to stop fucking around.

      Good luck.

    7. GlassFirefighter5430 on

      You have a whole entire $500 left, just keep doing what your doing except inverse your every play and you should make it all back, your welcome.

    8. NY_State-a-Mind on

      588 bucks is more than enough to use SPX and NDX options to make back your money, 

    9. The IRA peaked in the 70’s and 80’s. Too late for puts on Hamas, Hezbollah is the one to back.

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