Made a bag and a half on the banned stock back when it ran from like $5 to $30. I’ve yet to learn my lesson.

    Posted by Phish100


    1. So try to not chase momentum next time. The latest one is Lunr 26% up premarket just to close the day with +3%, it was a massacre.

    2. Beginning_Sentence69 on

      Posts like these make me question what my risk management would be if I ever hit big trades.

      I’m still down 11k lifetime but have always taken profits around 1-2k and nothing more. I’ve left 20-30k on the table for some trades.

      I’ll probably never strike it big because I sell early for profit and let me losers run worthless, I’m not good at this lol.

    3. PreviousAvocado5599 on

      Was never your money to begin with. You’re just gambling with numbers on your screen. Till you sell, it’s technically just numbers on the screen.

    4. SubstantialEnema on

      Well sure you could have bought a Lamborghini or a house or something but life really isn’t about having nice things or lots of money or freedom to do what you want…its about EXPERIENCE and you have at least one of them now. Sure its a bad one, but it IS one..and nobody can take that from you.

    5. Thank you for sharing.

      I don’t have a lot to trade with but I set limit orders to buy on dips and hopeful ones to take profit after a great earnings report.

      Surely you’ll start doing the same?

    6. baeconundeggz on

      It’s the WSB paradox.

      OP would never had made so much money if he was not a risk taker.

      Conversely, his risk taking ways cost him a small fortune.

      It’s hard to make it Peeps… even harder to keep it.

    7. Been there. Hard to sleep for a while then you say you’re gonna never trade again, then you come back.

    8. LegalAdvantage2 on

      Should have went all in nvidia 2 years ago with the 150. You’d be damn near a millionaire rn

    9. Thanks for sharing. Hope 1) you make it all back and 2) somebody (me included) will learn from your experience

    10. commodore_kierkepwn on

      Same thing happened to me this year. Similar numbers. It was fun while it lasted tho, right?

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