Should I buy this for my house?

    Posted by FerociousTiger1433


    1. FerociousTiger1433 on

      Think it would look really nice above my garage, where my cars used to be before I started trading options. 

    2. DewaltMaximaCessna on

      I don’t think these signs will appreciate as well as metal ones from the 50’s did

    3. AsleepQuantity8162 on

      Wendy’s is a well-known fast food franchise but its stock has never really performed.

      On the contrary, if you had bought McDonald’s stock in 2004,

      your initial investment would be 20x by now.

    4. Please put in a limit order , never pay what the market makers want . Please don’t chase the asking premium , even if it is a few more cents , hold and push through

    5. HatersGonnaBait on

      Yes…take the $30 you have left to your name and yolo into 3 $.01 spy FD’s on Monday. No matter what happens, you’ll be staring at that sign on the daily!

    6. MenopauseMedicine on

      Think about how many handjobs you’re gonna get if you get a dumpster for your house too

    7. What are you thinking? Ain’t no regards in their right mind would turn their house into a casino.

    8. Only if you also get the uniform.

      And start cooking some burgers.

      And open up a drive through.

    9. SufficientDaikon3503 on

      Maybe you can put it behind the dumpster so you can charge more for blowjobs cause it’s professional

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