I was stopped at a stop light when my toddler suddenly recognized that we were next to her favorite park and started crying hysterically that we weren't stopping. The light turned green, I accelerated, and I stupidly looked back to calm her down. It happened so fast. I turned back around and saw traffic in front of me had come to a stop. I braked as best I could and swerved to avoid hitting the car in front of me. I wasn't fast enough and hit the back left side of the car in front of me, enough to make it bump the car in front of it, but not cause any damages. My car took the brunt of the damage and ended up totaled but my toddler and I were uninjured. I pulled to the side of the road and got out to check on my crying toddler.

    Other people pulled over to help and ended up calling an ambulance for the car I hit. She was 8 months pregnant and would not move her car to the side of the road or get out of the vehicle. The EMTs said she was fine but transported her to the hospital for monitoring and said she was extremely shaken up.

    Then I got a call from my insurance saying she had retained a lawyer and I got a warning letter from my insurance that the personal injury claim might exceed my $100k policy. I keep asking if she and the baby are okay and they keep saying they can't reveal private information but that they have no indication of anything serious happening.

    I keep worrying she lost her baby or one of them suffered permanent and/or severe injuries. I don't know how fast I was going. I wasn't accelerating for more than a block before the accident happened, so I think less than 20 MPH. However the damages on my car were so scary to look at. Somehow I caused 20k of damages to her 2022 vehicle, even though I only hit her back left corner.

    The fact that their injuries exceed my policy worries me so much. Not the money. I am completely prepared to pay anything that they need to make them whole again. But I'm more concerned that the extent of the charges correlates to the extent of the injury and I'm devastated. It may be 2 more years before I learn if she and the baby are OK. As a mom myself I have immense guilt over this. My biggest fear has always been losing my baby and now I'm afraid I may have caused my worst nightmare to happen to someone else. It's been 2 months and every time I pass an ambulance or have to slow down quickly I spiral into picturing the worst case scenario.

    I caused a car accident, injuring a pregnant driver, and I'm devastated.
    byu/AnythingForward6085 inInsurance

    Posted by AnythingForward6085


    1. WhereMyMidgeeAt on

      I’m sorry to hear that. Why don’t you contact her and ask if she is ok ? 8 months pregnant in a car accident is never good. Hopefully she and the baby are ok.

    2. redditsuxdonkeyass on

      First off, everything will be fine. This too shall pass.

      Second off, the letter doesn’t mean that her potential injuries exceeded your policy limits. Its all unknown right now. Basically that letter is just letting you know that she lawyered up and is prepared to sue you IF her potential injuries exceed your policy limits.

    3. listenupfellas on

      There must be a police report? Check it out and it’ll have her info. Do some light FB stalking and get your answers. And please get an umbrella policy for stuff like this. 🙂

    4. Similar story happen to me as a young toddler. My dad turned around at a red light to hand me raisins and I guess accidentally hit the accelerator and hit the back of some work truck. But I’m not sure. Our newer j30 infinity got destroyed since the back of that truck was metal. Dad barely a scratch me nothing. Point is accidents happen and kids can be distracting. This lady wants to sue let her not surprised it’s America I’m sure is we’re u live sue happy place. Bet she’s totally ok you hit her left side going less than 20. Good luck op let your insurance sort it out with her lawyer and whatever insurance she has.

    5. angel_inthe_fire on

      OP, we all make mistakes.

      But you MUST leave this to your insurance. Do NOT engage the other party. I mean it.

      It’s typical for a pregnant woman to be taken to be checked out.

      Take a breath, chill. That letter is typical when ambulance chasers enter the picture.

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