Listen up, you crayon-munching regards! 🖍️

    Imagine you've got a time machine, but instead of going back to buy Apple stock in the 80s or prevent the creation of Robinhood, you can only send ONE piece of financial wisdom to your smooth-brained past self who just stumbled into this casino we call WSB.

    What nugget of pure golden tendies would you bestow upon your younger, even more autistic self?

    Would you:
    – Warn yourself about a specific YOLO that went tits up?
    – Tell yourself to diamond hand that one stock you paper handed too early?
    – Advise yourself to inverse every single play you were about to make?
    – Or just send "Sir, this is a Wendy's" to remind yourself not to take any of this too seriously?

    Spill the beans, and maybe we'll all learn something (but probably not).

    Bonus points if you can make your wife's boyfriend proud with your answer.

    Obligatory: This is not financial advice. I eat crayons for breakfast and my brain is smoother than my wife's boyfriend's head.

    If you could send one piece of financial advice back in time to yourself when you first joined WSB, what would it be?
    byu/NeuronDrift inwallstreetbets

    Posted by NeuronDrift


    1. Long index funds and chill. Avoid this place like the plague. Watching someone turn $1k into $10k makes you think that you can do it, because if that idiot can, surely you can too.

    2. Expert_Engine_8108 on

      Bought Boeing in 2009 at like 60. Rode it all the way up to 400. Then the first plane crashed but I was like, planes crash all the time. But of course this was different and those criminals were subsequently caught in a hundred lies. I sold at 120 and got out. Lesson learned is, once a company gets caught lying to multiple regulators and governments then their goose is cooked.

    3. Even if you are 100% certain a company will beat earnings nicely, it doesn’t mean the stock will go up…

    4. Don’t invest!! Take all your money, go to Vegas and put a bet down prior to the announcement of the 2015 presidential opening. The bet… Trump will not only be the pub nominee, but will also win the presidency in 2016 over Clinton

      The odds payout would have been +350 on the presidency plus the parlay of Trump becoming the nominee…

      Just sayin… quicker payday… I’m all about quick money =)

      Then take you money in nov 2016 and buy whatever you want… or dont…. your probably a millionaire just from the bet if you dropped 10k…

    5. Use stop losses and set them at that level you’re sure the price won’t go. Trailing stop loss to exit with a profit. Every time, regard.

    6. iknowdemfeelsbro326 on

      Nothing, it is all a learned lesson that has to be experienced over time. If you gave yourself advise youd just fuck up another way.

    7. I posted this crazy post at the time of the Tesla stock split in 2020 saying the way to play was to buy 2100c because they would split to $420c, and obviously you want 69 of them so that’s 14 contracts, then sell one post split. Well, that was like more than 2x out of the money in a 3 month period and the cost to buy 69 of them was like 50k. I didn’t because it was too absurd but I would have made like close to 1m had I done so.

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