Japan pushes four-day workweek amid labour shortage, faces cultural hurdles


    Posted by Mother-Platform-1778


    1. Interesting-Monk9712 on

      Well Japan is known for its horrible work life balance, so this is great move, but will be a rough transition.

    2. Sooooo you don’t have enough people to work and you decide to make them work LESS ? WTF is this ? communism ?

    3. At least Japan has the automation technology and willingness to do this.

      There are countries which are pretty much exactly like Japan, and they are still discussing if it was a good idea to introduce motorized carriages.

    4. From the country that brought you holidays such as Greenery Day, Marine Day and Mountain Day because otherwise the default culture is to work people to death

      Yeah… 4 day work week won’t mean anything except more overtime. They’re still gonna be obliged to work 5 days

    5. Is this the new carrot now? Seen multiple ‘4-day workweek’ news recently, from different countries. What’s the deal?

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