Successful event and probably can push Tsla over 300 by earnings report in October

    Posted by Future_chicken357


    1. A robotaxi that operates in underground tunnels and picks up passengers at collective points, like a bus stop!

    2. Why would California do anything for Musk and Tesla when he Elon continues to insult “The Left”?
      He is even cancelling accounts that are pro Harris on X. No CEO of a company should take sides in politics. Especially when the one side you’re against has the demographics which buys your cars. And the other side could care less about EVs.

    3. …Reveal at California $WBD facility in a closed loop make-believe movie set that’s completely controlled.

      They left out part of the announcement.

    4. I tried AP, it ran in Red 1st time and second time signaled clear on a red left signal, luckily stopped manually both times. Technology is not road fit yet, NHTSA is doing a blunder allowing this move forward, very worried about fatal crashes and accidents on the rise especially in no-fault states where insurance premiums will skyrocket if you are in an accident even as a victim.

    5. Wait.  This occurring at a movie studio?  Haha. 

      Aren’t we all still amazed by the events of the promised 8/8 reveal?

    6. I’d be cool with a robot taxi that drives to me but lets me drive to my destination and then drives itself away

    7. I for one would love a truly autonomous and safety tested robo taxi. But I’d settle for less if it means no more stupid conversations with taxi drivers.

    8. They are going to do a demo on a Set and have the “robotaxi” specifically programmed for that set, aren’t they lmao *

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