I’m not sure this MF is worth a GD thing if you take out the real estate play.

    The only move here is to fire the c-suite effective Tuesday. You can keep the unvested options as severance if the next MF can pull a rabbit out of a hat for you failures.

    The next person is gonna have to convince their customers that the company does in fact have the lowest prices when in fact they really don’t.

    When the customers find out they could have been shopping at Publix this whole time I hope the DG HQ has security guards with full size snicker bars handy to hold off the rebellion.

    In today’s market, 40% drops will continue to happen to companies that don’t know how to run businesses.

    If you happened to visit one over the last 2 years you probably aren’t surprised.

    I can’t wait to see the new Starbucks fuck they find to run this shit remotely like this is gonna be fixed by some chipotle secret spreadsheet or some shit.


    Dollar General Just Needs To Fire Everyone
    byu/B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME inwallstreetbets

    Posted by B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME


    1. ProgrammaticallyHip on

      Yeah, high prices but only because they have a captive consumer base. They strategically place their shitboxes in Nowheresvilles that are too remote and deprived for a Wal-Mart. So Cletus either drives 45 minutes for his Hot Fries and PowerAde or he pays the DG premium.

    2. NY_State-a-Mind on

      DG doesnt care about the area with supermarkets and healthy economies, they go to small towns or poor areas and bankrupt the competition until the only available thing is their shitty store and then they have a monopoly on desperate people

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