Held puts over August payrolls and daytraded SPY 0DTE calls over the past week starting at Jackson Hole. Took losses here and there but I’m seeing consistent gains when I capture profit quickly on short swings. Lots of stress watching 200 contract positions go down a few cents but the upside is clearly there. Hoping this week can get me to 100k.


    Posted by scerva


    1. Hi, you look like you’re from the future.. tell me will I be able to recover my losses before I die?

    2. LegitimateAnybody639 on

      The funny thing about WSB is their only ever half right when it comes to how to make plays

      They are, however ALWAYS right when it comes to telling people when to get out lol

    3. According_Web_8907 on

      You’re doing it wrong, the green triangle is supposed to be red and facing downwards

    4. Beginning_Sentence69 on

      Can’t wait for the loss porn next week, you are a fool thinking you can consistently go up with options.

      Ready to be humbled again OP?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    5. I want to learn how to trade 0DTE but never felt confident enough. What’s your strategies? What timeframe do you like at and how long do you hold those contracts? Do you look for support and resistance and vwap and certain patterns like bull flag , breakout, …..etc ?

    6. Lost_Difference_3760 on

      Man people can never just appreciate things in this sub. This guy has been trading for 6 years posts his progress and all yall can do is pray on his downfall. 🤦‍♂️

    7. Congrats man, I believe that you can get there! I just started options and made a good loss, but it taught me what not to do and how to recognize when to pull out in that instance. Hope to get as good as you overtime 🙏

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