Combination of buy and hold + selling puts and call option strategies.

    Posted by gfever


    1. Daddy_Dudley10101 on

      Bogleheads would be in shambles if they knew how to look at posts outside of their circlejerk spaces. **Congrats** and an obligatory ***Heres your fries sir***

    2. Well done.  I love how this is over a long period of time and it’s obvious you fucked up at times – but you never yolo’d on one thing that could explode and it looks like you cut your losers early.  

    3. what underlying stock did you hold to sell calls on? And which stocks did you buy puts for? Did you always let stocks get called away once they were ITM? Did you always allow contracts that hit the put strike price to be exercised and you buy those stocks? Which positions? Thanks

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