For those that have not bought the dip… the time is now… Load up because Winter is coming!

    4 Reasons to Buy Nvidia Stock Hand Over Fist After Its Latest Pullback

    1. Blackwell is coming soon

    Nvidia CFO Colette Kress said in the company's Q2 earnings call that the Blackwell platform will ramp up production beginning in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2025. She added that Nvidia expects Blackwell will generate "several billion dollars" of revenue in Q4. Kress mentioned that demand exceeds supply, a trend that should extend into next year.

    CEO Jensen Huang clarified that Nvidia will begin shipping Blackwell in Q4. He touted Blackwell's capabilities and maintained that it's "going to be a complete game-changer for the industry." Huang emphasized that Blackwell isn't just a graphics processing unit (GPU); it's "an AI infrastructure platform" that offers between 3 times and 5 times more AI throughput than Nvidia's Hopper platform.

    Some investors might have been disappointed that Nvidia missed its "whisper" earnings number in Q2 despite beating the official Wall Street estimates. However, I suspect the release of Blackwell will soon wipe away those misgivings.

    2. The $1 trillion data-center migration

    It's important to keep in mind why Blackwell and forthcoming innovations are so critical to Nvidia's success. A massive migration of data centers from CPUs to GPUs is underway. As Huang said in the Q2 call, "$1 trillion worth of data centers in a few years will be all accelerated computing. In the past, no GPUs are in data centers, just CPUs. In the future, every single data center will have GPUs."

    Don't look at this as an opportunity for Nvidia that's well into the future, though. Huang noted that the company expects its data-center business will grow "quite significantly next year."

    3. The next generation of generative AI is at hand

    One reason why data centers need powerful GPUs is that the next generation of generative AI is at hand. According to Huang, "The world of human-engineered software is moving to generative AI software." He noted that Nvidia is already using generative AI coding "quite extensively."

    But while the use of generative AI in coding, chatbots, and image generation is accelerating, Huang argues that's "just the tip of the iceberg." He mentioned several other areas that generative AI is transforming, including ad targeting, large-scale recommender systems, robotics, and search systems.

    Importantly, training next-generation AI models will require 10 times to 20 times more computing power. This creates a huge growth market for Nvidia, one the company is capitalizing on.

    4. Nvidia plans to buy its shares hand over fist

    There's at least one other reason to buy Nvidia stock after the recent pullback: The company plans to buy its shares hand over fist. Nvidia's board of directors approved a $50 billion stock-buyback authorization. This comes on top of the $7.5 billion remaining on the existing share-repurchase authorization.

    Sure, the total amount of authorized-stock buybacks represents less than 2% of Nvidia's market cap. However, the increased authorization underscores that the board believes in the company's future growth prospects. With Nvidia prepared to bet another $50 billion on itself, it could give investors putting up much less money to buy the stock with more confidence in their decision.

    4 Reasons to Buy Nvidia Stock Hand Over Fist After Its Latest Pullback
    byu/playa4thee inwallstreetbets

    Posted by playa4thee


    1. >The company plans to buy its shares hand over fist

      I still have to understand under which logic a company is allowed to buy and retain shares by withholding earnings that should have become dividends for existing shareholders.

    2. Everything is depending on next ai gen being THE shit. If openai’s new chatgpt 5 is only a small improvement over current llms, nvidia and everything ai related/adjacent will crash and burn, causing a domino effect fucking the whole market up. I’m bullish near term but extremely bearish 3-4 months out, planning to get out of nvidia in 2 months max and go short on whole market

    3. pedronegreiros94 on

      There’s a massive bearish divergence on the weekly chart, any position in nvidia now has to be very cautious and with tight stop losses.

    4. The growth needed for Nvidia to reach it’s current valuation is insane, even over a ten year span. Just look it up and sober up.

    5. $119 is not really a pullback. I would consider pullback below $100-$90. So no, WISH many people read this thread and NVDA goes below $100, that’s where it’s a buy.

    6. Four reasns $NVDA will retrace to $60 a share:

      1) AI hype is overblown and already dying a year after it started – look at every other “AI” stock you can trade and where they are today versus a year ago.

      2) $NVDA’s runup was INSANE and it makes GPUs. It has no business being valuated like industry titans who have their fingers in every proverbial pie on the planet.

      3) To justify its current price $NVDA will have to maintain its present growth for years in the midst of a contracting monetary environment and a burdened, out-of-credit consumer. Everyone knows this will not happen but the FOMO runs the price up all the same.

      4) You’re regarded.

    7. Many_Masterpiece_841 on

      And #5, what other companies are turning in earnings numbers like NVIDIA. Other than SMCI who may be having some problems with their numbers.

    8. This feels like how people try to convince people to buy their MLM product cause they are doubting their choices now lol I’m sitting still with my shares and just DCA from here on out

    9. ASICs are taking over. NVIDIA isn’t who you want to invest in if you want to ride that wave.

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