Intel CEO to pitch board on plans to shed assets, cut costs, source says

    Posted by pepevc


    1. Zealousideal-Heart83 on

      Ignoring stock price, it would be a shame if Intel goes bankrupt or even if they lose the foundry business.

      There needs to be some competition to Nvidia/Amd/Tsmc to have good quality products without inflated pricing.

    2. GoldenPresidio on

      >The proposal does not yet include plans to split Intel and sell off its contract manufacturing operation, or foundry, to a buyer such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., according to the source and another person familiar with the matter.

      When will they finally make the inevitable and obvious move? These businesses are so fundamentally different from a capital requirements perspective

    3. thicc_dads_club on

      I think it’s a great idea. If Intel can’t compete in design but will never be allowed to fail in manufacturing, why should the two be coupled so tightly? Split them up, let design use whatever foundry they want and let manufacturing not have to cater to design. Foundry stock will soar, design stock will crater, and then whoever runs design can focus 100% on that.

    4. Well I just got a $750k inheritance from my granny and have decided to go get hookers and blow than stick it into this piece of shit that’s selling itself off for parts.

    5. technicalvowel on

      Can someone ELI5 how the CHIPS act and US subsidies for their foundry venture play into all this? Doesn’t intel still have a promising future with those two playing in their favor?
      Also, with all the talk about intel selling off their assets and consolidating, would the US government intervene with concerns of US tech being sold into foreign ownership?

    6. ScipioAfricanusMAJ on

      Unless he is proposing splitting Intel into an American fab contract manufacturing company and a chip design company Intel will remain fucked

    7. You are a chip maker at the knee of the curve of the great technological singularity.  Why in the FUCK are you treating your business like GameStop, as if it’s a dying brick and mortar business. 

      Can we please cost cut this fucking ceo ???

    8. MediumStableHorse on

      Now that everyone saying its going to fall from this, I bet it doesn’t and the grandma dude comes out on top.

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