RIP Intel Guy: Intel Looks For Options To Escape The Dire Financial Situation, Foundry Business Likely To Take A Massive Hit

    Posted by Impressive_Sentence7


    1. I mean at this point how much they can make from their foundry business even if they go up as planned. iirc, they have partnered like 49% of some their plant projects with some investment firm from Canada few years ago. I don’t know if they have any other deals similar to this.

    2. Redistribution of wealth…his sacrifice won’t be in vein. Nana’s money is reaching hands worthy of it 😇

    3. Redditaccount2322 on

      This is bullish for intel? Everyone knows they’re a shit company but now they’re actually trying to do something about it. Unless they’re misrepresenting their financials I think this will end up being good news for them.

      Which means you should buy puts

    4. LOL this is all from a Bloomberg article that ran on Thursday. If you sold when you read this you missed a 9.5% jump on Friday.

      If you buy puts tomorrow based on a blog posted to Reddit on Labor Day you belong here. 

    5. Intel has some good stuff on the way, and is important for national security purposes. I suspect there will be some kind of turnaround.

    6. I cannot fathom how Intel has fucked this up so bad.  This is the equivalent of a supermodel holding up a “no job / please donate” cardboard sign at an intersection.  

      We are entering the greatest technological singularity ever in human history and they are a major company with an established product and huge economic moat.  Literally all they have to do is keep slowly improving and doing good quality control, maybe start looking into AI and graphics applications a bit more…. 

      But no.  Instead Intel is sucking dick in the alley behind Taco Bell for rent money, along with everyone else who foolishly put money on them.  

    7. I think it’s more likely they are sold for parts. Any acquisition is likely to run into severe regulatory headwinds and the only buyers will be US due to natsec concerns. This drives down the price.

    8. I’ve only been following this sub for maybe a year or two – at this point, is Intel guy like the most memed member is recent history? He gets brought up on other financial subs too these days.

    9. Aranthos-Faroth on

      It’s almost like he just put the final hex on Intel when he bought. It’s just far too coincidental of timing.

      Poor chap.

    10. You know it’s bad when the publication who used to take backhanders from Intel are now shitting on them.

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