I missed US Steel on the way up, but there may be a bit of volatility in its future.


    Posted by Syab_of_Caltrops


    1. Let’s just make this way easier for everyone…
      – The TLDR: Harris wants US Steel (X) to be a US company
      – This has ramifications for the Nippon Steel offer to buy US Steel which now has a higher chance of being blocked
      – The real discussion then is if blocked: What’s next? Who wins? Think about the other US domestic steel players and what happens with them

      And no, “X” in this case is not the 🐦

    2. JafarFromAfar2 on

      Most logical outcome is that the deal falls through, stock drops, and then a US company acquires it for a comparable price/share (this all occuring over a year or longer).

    3. It’s already priced for no acquisition. They were offered $42 a share just for their Big River asset. The company can be broken up and sold, a joint venture, or somebody else buys them. There is no actionable news here.

    4. Proof_Effective_3169 on

      Who’s got puts on twitter they can sell me. My wife’s boyfriends lover can meet you behind Wendy’s to hash out the price.

    5. A Presidential candidate says whatever they need to in order to push votes their way in a swing state?!?


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