I was inspired by this post to take a closer look at various scenarios. My analysis assumes the stocks are bought once a month – at the beginning of every month. It can extended to rebalance everyday but not everyone can do that.

    Initial investment: $1,000

    Monthly investment: $100


    • Buy and hold: buy the top N market cap stocks of a given month. Do not sell the stock if it's not in the top N list in the following months.
    • Rebalance: If an existing stock in the portfolio is not in the top_n stocks list in the current month then check when was the last month it was part of the top_n market cap stocks. If the resulting month difference is greater or equal to rebalance_threshold_months then sell the stock and tax the gains. The sale proceeds (minus short term taxes) are added to the monthly investment budget equally among the current top_n stocks. If there was a loss then I simply use the total sale proceeds. Eg, Assume AMZN was top 3 stocks last month but not this month. If the threshold months is 1 then we sell AMZN this month, tax the gains, and distribute the sale proceeds equally to buy this months top 3 stocks.

    Backtesting. Start: 2018-1, End: 2024-1. Edit: End 2024-8.

    Strategy Rebalance threshold months Top 5 Top 3 Top 1 SPY QQQ
    Buy and hold N/A $20,793 $21,967 $17,530 $15,266 $17,989
    Rebalance. Short terms capital gain tax 24% 3 $19,791 $22,383 $13,625 $15,266 $17,989
    Rebalance. Short terms capital gain tax 24% 2 $19,802 $22,108 $14,141 $15,266 $17,989
    Rebalance. Short terms capital gain tax 24% 1 $19,582 $22,206 $13,982 $15,266 $17,989
    Rebalance on tax advantage account 3 $20,229 $23,050 $15,555 $15,266 $17,989
    Rebalance on tax advantage account 2 $20,181 $22,738 $16,138 $15,266 $17,989
    Rebalance on tax advantage account 1 $19,847 $22,825 $16,142 $15,266 $17,989

    Regardless of the strategy buying top 3 market cap stocks seems most optimal. Buy and hold handily beats SPY and QQQ. And if you have the itch to rebalance then rebalancing on the 3rd month seems most optimal. But note that past performance is not indicative of future performance.

    Back testing longer term. Start: 2010-1, End: 2024-8

    Strategy Rebalance threshold months Top 5 Top 3 Top 1 SPY QQQ
    Buy and hold N/A $107,205 $122,673 $75,026 $58,958 $90,923
    Rebalance. Short terms capital gain tax 24% 3 $127,848 $146,441 $42,948 $58,958 $90,923
    Rebalance. Short terms capital gain tax 24% 2 $123,116 $145,579 $44,803 $58,958 $90,923
    Rebalance. Short terms capital gain tax 24% 1 $127,423 $143,843 $51,132 $58,958 $90,923
    Rebalance on tax advantage account 3 $129,959 $150,096 $56,915 $58,958 $90,923
    Rebalance on tax advantage account 2 $124,976 $148,884 $60,258 $58,958 $90,923
    Rebalance on tax advantage account 1 $129,178 $147,589 $72,899 $58,958 $90,923

    Long term, buying top 3 market cap stocks seems most optimal, regardless of the strategy. Buying and holding handily beats SPY and QQQ. If rebalancing then rebalancing on the 3rd month seems most optimal (maybe 4th or 5th month is even better but I didn't check it).



    Detail analysis: What if you had just bought the highest market cap stocks
    byu/tums_antacid inwallstreetbets

    Posted by tums_antacid


    1. I saw the other analysis, buying the #1 company but had thought what if bought top 5, so buying top 3 is best.

      I want to do this when fear and greed index crashes to 25 range, can you test buying the top 3 when fear and greed index tanks vs buying first of the month, instead save for those big drawn down periods and invest all then. I think can have even bigger gains.

    2. Wow, really interesting. Thanks for doing this, I’m going to continue to research this strategy

    3. Backtest it for 50 years (not just the era where tech outperformed) or compare it with nasdaq.

    4. Can you clarify a little more please? So buy and hold means never sell a stock in this case? So you start off with 1, 3 or 5 stocks but as things progress, your portfolio could contain 10s of stocks over a 10 year period? Just feels strange not having an exit plan for a stock you’re entering into…

    5. Historical-Egg3243 on

      Breaking news: big tech outperforms the S&P 500. Regards everywhere shocked and confused.

    6. that is what i do and it works for me. then when one stock overperforms, i sell it and profit when i am low on cash. it works if you know a lot about the companies and trends related to them

    7. Accomplished-Pen8743 on

      Can you explain rebalance? Evenly distributing the total amount invested in each security purchased during a time period?

    8. cookingbytheseatofmy on

      Intersting post and comments, thanks.

      So, how does one run or backtest this analysis quickly.

      I can download data and write some python or excel scripts, but what platform (besides Bloomberg) enables a non finance professional to run this analysis?

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