up ~250% in 4 days. sell and roll it into the next play!
Significant-King8848 on
Never go broke taking a profit
kylethenerd on
Something something good enough screenshot sell it
DevantLaMachine on
240% Up, still asking if it’s enough. Classic gambler
looongtoez on
Your rapper name is now, “Lil Pullout”
If I was in that position, I’d pull out and not look back, then reenter after brief analysis.
funalone1 on
if you feelin lucky roll to next week expiration and higher strike, who knows you will hit jackpot again and make it to half mil ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
THIS IS FINANCIAL ADVICE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Myg0t_0 on
U know u can sell and just buy a 33/35 call if u think it goes up more… u will make more money if it goes up with a higher leg
ballgobbler96 on
Sell half of it you donkey
ElPollo4 on
Potatomatt on
this is definitely a sell
ilostallmymoney1 on
Sell 9 contracts, let 1 run
Main_Conflict_9868 on
Nobody hung themselves from not winning enough
HG21Reaper on
Hols until it goes down to -37% and sell.
RBAnger on
Please sell. This large a bump gets corrected quickly. Look at cava
wize_man- on
Hold until you lose it all, this is the wsb way.
xxxgvjr on
Yeah buddy stop while you’re ahead
EPLFantasyGuru on
ChinoKR1162 on
99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big
PlutosGrasp on
243%? What are you a baby? You either get 690% or you don’t sell.
mrspacesentry on
Definitely sell
therealneurovis on
It’s going to open lower than this. Should have sold on Friday.
sithofyourz on
It’s time to sell enough to recollect your premium and hold the rest
d3st1n3d on
Rule 1: if you took a screenshot, it’s time to sell.
foggyharbour on
SELL as soon as the market opens, thank me at the end of the week.
caprishouz on
1000% return or zero bro.
SameOlStory on
When you se money like that on the table you sell…even if after you sell and it doubles who cares….slow money is better than no money.
andrizzy_tranvizzy on
Sell bro. At least half
WallStWarlock on
There’s no reason to be excited about that stuck sell it unless there’s a catalyst you know about
up ~250% in 4 days. sell and roll it into the next play!
Never go broke taking a profit
Something something good enough screenshot sell it
240% Up, still asking if it’s enough. Classic gambler
Your rapper name is now, “Lil Pullout”
If I was in that position, I’d pull out and not look back, then reenter after brief analysis.
if you feelin lucky roll to next week expiration and higher strike, who knows you will hit jackpot again and make it to half mil ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
THIS IS FINANCIAL ADVICE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
U know u can sell and just buy a 33/35 call if u think it goes up more… u will make more money if it goes up with a higher leg
Sell half of it you donkey
this is definitely a sell
Sell 9 contracts, let 1 run
Nobody hung themselves from not winning enough
Hols until it goes down to -37% and sell.
Please sell. This large a bump gets corrected quickly. Look at cava
Hold until you lose it all, this is the wsb way.
Yeah buddy stop while you’re ahead
99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big
243%? What are you a baby? You either get 690% or you don’t sell.
Definitely sell
It’s going to open lower than this. Should have sold on Friday.
It’s time to sell enough to recollect your premium and hold the rest
Rule 1: if you took a screenshot, it’s time to sell.
SELL as soon as the market opens, thank me at the end of the week.
1000% return or zero bro.
When you se money like that on the table you sell…even if after you sell and it doubles who cares….slow money is better than no money.
Sell bro. At least half
There’s no reason to be excited about that stuck sell it unless there’s a catalyst you know about
you cash out when your broker cashes you out
keep hodling ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)