

    Posted by j1022


    1. Internal_Ad_6359 on

      lol when even a moron like me with no trading experience or skill knows about these contracts you know it’s a set up

    2. I just bought LUNR as my first stock, 2 days ago they got 117 mill contract so I thought they had a future

    3. You should’ve sold puts to enter, you’re wasting money. At least sell some covered calls man. They can even be way out of the money and you’ll make a killing.

    4. That’s because LUNR is not a get rich quick thing. It is a longer term plan where the gains will come slower for more of a medium term investment. Don’t look at it and then take another look toward the end of December. You will then be happy

    5. LUNR is being shorted to hell ever since spring, which is kinda sad because it’s doing good and has had good news lately but I guess it needs something major.

    6. I’m all in on LUNR as well. Six figures, my whole portfolio. There is no better short term opportunity. Long term as well for stock holders but I have calls. Will convert some to shares accordingly.

    7. How has this stock stayed at 5 USD after getting a 100 million contract last week. It shed almost all the gains it made the day the contract was awarded, even though the contract is 20% of its marketcap. What am I missing? Am i regarded?

    8. GameLoreReader on

      My guy, those are shares. You’re supposed to buy shares with the intention of holding for YEARS. Relax. If LUNR has just one successful launch, you will be glad you did not sell.

    9. Putting it all on anything right now sounds regarded. But I guess you don’t have to be smart to make money , you just have to be smart to keep it.

    10. Wonder_bread317 on

      I used my chase app and bought 20 shares of LUNR@4.90. this is my first time ever putting money into a company. first investment. tips on this stock?

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