Looking for some recommendations on a post retirement job. Ideally would be remote or have a flexible work schedule. Looking for something in the 20-40k salary range, relatively low stress. If possible, something that I could skillbridge into would be great. I still have my full GI Bill as well. Am I searching for a unicorn or does something like this exist?

    Post Retirement Job
    byu/Deadpoint85 inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by Deadpoint85


    1. I follow this thought…. you have to choose 2 of the 3… you don’t always get all 3… some do.. most don’t… in your next career.
      1. Money
      2. Personal satisfaction
      3. Location

      I’m leaving money after 4 years for a different form of job satisfaction. The location only changes from an 11 mile commute to a 4 mile one.

      This will also be my 3rd job since retiring from active duty in May 2020. 6 months in a job that was decent pay,2 miles from my house, and sucked the life from me. 2nd job, pay was sweet, location ok, and for a while it brought me joy in work… but that changed this year and I’m ready to jump to this lower paying but tons of time off job in a school district. So from the start, the time off is giving me satisfaction.

      The freedom to move along, knowing our budget, and not worrying about a title is liberating to me. I do not work because I need to or need the comradery..I work so I can travel and pad my retirement accounts… only a couple more years and I might just volunteer at places and then travel full time.

    2. Ok-Republic-8098 on

      So I did substitute teaching between separating and starting school and it was awesome. My district has a website where all the openings in the district show. You can snag anything that’s open.

      I only worked 3-4 days a week and it was pretty fun to be around all that energy (though I mostly did middle school)

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